Bigg Boss Season 8 10th October 2014 Written Update
Bigg Boss Season 8 10th October 2014 Written Episode
Day 19
song aaj blue hai pani pani.. sunny sunny starts, all inmates wake up and starts dancing.
diandra says I asked sonali and she said that my hairs doesn’t fall and I don’t take bath in ladies washroom, I always go in gents bathroom, karishma is saying that when her hairs fall, she takes it so whose hairs were there on bathroom net, I have to take it, minissha ask her to not touch the hairs, just clean the washroom, diandra says two days before natasa cleaned those hairs and she was vomiting, minissha says girls should be rotated to clean the washroom then they wont do it.
karishma says reads that today bigg boss is giving chance to puneet and arya to save themselves from nomination, wiining person wiil be out of nomination while losing person will be in nomination, the name of task is “kis mein kitna ha dum” (who has how much strength), arya and puneet have to lie on ice slabs, one other slab is there in which winning card is placed, other contestants have to melt that slab and make their favorite contestant win by giving that winning card to favorite in arya and puneet.
pritham ask gautam whom you are supporting, gautam says puneet, pritham says I am supporting him too, don’t let them get the winning card slab, sushant is there, take bucket from washroom and make ice melt by water, minissha and praneet comes there too. gautam says soni was stopping me form taking water from washroom.
Soni comes there and says what are you saying, gautam says you were stopping me from taking water, soni says this task is about ice, why will stop him from taking water, gautam says i am telling truth, soni taunts you and truth?, soni says upen was there too, soni says go from here now, gautam starts singing and irritates soni, soni says this kind of person cannot get success in life, he is such a liar, who I am to stop him from taking water, this person doesn’t deserve forgiveness. soni says you wont get success and fame behaving like this, gautam ask her to not use slang, soni says slang will feel insult if it is said for you..
soni goes in bedroom and is irritated, sushant ask her to calm down and don’t listen to him.
gautam says to sonali that I don’t give damn to these people, they are amking me famous only.
Soni says to sushant that he has abs but there is women in him, he gossip like girls, he is women inside, very bad will happen with him, I fast on Friday, if my fast is little true then something will happen to him, gautam sings for sonali.
upen takes soni in garden, he says don’t think about him, soni says he is singing for sonali but he is singing soni.. soni.. upen says don’t cry, let him say anything.
puneet lies on ice slab, puneet ask arya to lie on slab, this is cheating, arya lies on slab, siren plays to start the task. upen, minissha, diandra soni are helping arya while pritham gautam, praneet, deepshikha, sushant, karishma are supporting puneet.
gautam boils water and brings it, they pours water on ice slab to melt it, diandra brings some vessel, they put fire in vessel and put vessel on ice slab. all contestants are doing different things to get winning ticket from ice slab, puneet team finally gets it and gives winning ticket to puneet, they shout for puneet, arya is sad. bigg boss says now puneet is out of nominations while arya will be in nominations.
Soni calls everyone in lounge, pritham ask gautam too but he says he is not interested.
Soni says to everyone that I didn’t say anything to gautam and he lied that I asked him to not take water, why does he do that, deepshikha says we all know his nature, we didn’t react, nobody believes him.
in garden, gautam and puneet are at poolside, gautam enjoys.
pritham says to soni that there are 80cameras in house and noting your point, soni says I am telling you all that he lies about anyone, from now on, we will not listen to his anything, he is a liar, all agrees.
praneet reads that now its time for buying thinks for your first luxury budget, you all have ten minutes but after saying many times, rules were broken last week so to punish you we are making time half so now you have 5 mins, he says there is board on wall on which planks are placed, one person will see these planks and he will draw on white board same luxury budget item which is written in plank, if inmates guesses right thing from your drawing then you will get that item for luxury budget. karishma says sushant know drawing, they decide to send sushant to draw things, 1st thing is brownie, praneet guesses it by sushant’s diagram, next is noodles, pritham guesses it, next is cheese, diandra guesses it, next is pasta, deepshikha guesses it, next is honey, diandra guesses it, next is green tea, minissha guesses it, next is biscuits but minishha says I saw the plank so they leave that plank, next is poha, karishma guesses it, next is mayonnaise, nobody guesses it so he leaves it, next is pickle, karishma guesses it, time is up, all congrats sushant for doing well, deepshika says we could have got 5mins more if we didn’t break the rule.
sonali says to pritham that we lost biscuits, karishma says minissha sadi that she saw it, she could have remained silent, could pretend, she is an actor, soni also say it but she didn’t say it, minishha comes there and says there were 10 cameras and if I didn’t say it then task would have stopped it, I cant lie infront of 10 cameras.
gautam says to puneet that I am very good artist, I can make face, I used to do it in childhood, I could have made these things more fastly but nobody asked me, they decided for sushant, I could have bought many more things then sushant.
minissha and karishma talks about bride groom task, minisha says I didn’t like it when you threw water on sonali, if sonali wanted, she could have made it issue but she kept silent, karishma says if I hold hand of anyone, they say that I am getting physical, everything is wrong for you so diandra asked me bring water and threw on sonali as she was guarding mangalsutra, what would you have done in my place, minissha says I would have done only one task that is to guard mangalsutra, nothing else, it was simple, karishma says it was part of task, I didn’t slap anyone, minissha says you used to slang against me behind mhy back, karishma says what? tell me what did I say, minissha says I don’t know but people said that karishma is saying slangs for me and that is very bad one, karishma says you are weak listener, I am infront of camera, If I am lying, camera will capture me, I said everything on your face only.
minissha talks to puneet and gautam that karishma was saying that everybody is saying minissha is fake, puneet said that I showed my true colors, puneet says I didn’t say that, I said about you that you look like Persian cat, puneet says upen came to me and said that he want to eat before starting task so I thought to ask you but you said to start the task first, you didn’t agree to eat the food first, I said that minissha doesn’t understand that we have time for task and we should eat first, I just said that only.
bell rings, the luxury budget items come in house.
gautam ask puneet, can I sit on chair, puneet says you cant use house property, minishha says keep your positivity, maybe this will change.
all inmates come in garden and finds it decorated, they see some things under cloth, they remove the cloth and finds scooties under cloth, sushant reads that new task is “scooty zest 110 task”, these scooties have high speed and milage, inmates have to do the task using these qualities, soni and sonali are captains of two teams, one contestant have to walk on irregular ramp and collect food items, then he or she will give items to other team mate who will put items in storage box of scooty, there is petrol too, when buzzer play, sonali and soni have to put that petrol bowl on their head and walk upto scooty bowl have hole so they have to filling it again and again as it will leak, the team who will put more food items in box will win the task. teams are made.
sonali and soni put petrol on bowls, put on there head and walks to scooties with food items where other member is putting food items in box, sonali falls on ground but gets up and walks again.
sushant reads that bigg boss praises you for doing task with full energy, soni and her team wins the task, the winning team members will get zest scooties, all team members shouts and gets happy.
PRECAP- all are thirsty in house as salman is coming for scolding the inamates in weekend ka vaar.