D3 Dil Dosti Dance 10th June 2014 Written Update
D3 Dil Dosti Dance 10th June 2014 Written Episode
Rey closes his fist in anger listening to the VP. Swayam sees this, comes forward and whispers him to control. He opens his fist, Rey says you have full right to be angry with us because we did a lots of mistakes but I want to say something from all of us. He says we want to say sorry to you but we have no option. Rey says it is the dream of each of us, and we worked for it day and night, so this is unfair that only four of us will get to the academy. VP says I did what I could, and at times we have to compromise. Swayam says it is not the war of our ego, it is the fight for our career and dream, and we shouldn’t compromise every time or our dream will turn into someone else’s reality. VP sir says what he know now is that if they don’t close the protest the four of you will also lose the job. Sharon says it doesn’t matter because none of us will join leaving the others behind. VP says that all decisions aren’t made with emotions, in real life not everyone is equal and you can’t hold your friend’s hand and help them cross the road for whole of ur life!
Rey says that you might take it as stupidity but it is like that, we will do anything together. He says it is a peaceful protest but we wont give up. VP warns that the board of directors wont spare you and I don’t want to sign any action being taken against you. Swayam assures that we wont take it personally, you do your duty as we respect you. VP leaves. Sharon’s phone rings, she goes to attend her mother’s call. She tells her she cant come home, she will explain her when she comes home.
Her mother asks did she forget she is in her board of directors. Her mother promises her she will personally look into the matter and they can solve the problem sitting across the table. Sharon says she cant leave her friends, her mom asks her to come home and tell her friends too.
Sharon tells Swayam and everyone about it. Rey says it’s a good sign that our news got to the board. They think her mom is at their side. Rey says we have to spend the night here anyway. Sharon texts her mom. She thinks her daughter is involved in a bad company. She calls VP and asks about the protest. She asks is it allowed to do protest in the college premises. VP says it is a peaceful one and nothing got harmed. She asks so you are waiting for some harm to occur. She says he must take a serious action against them, or the board will consider him a part of the protest. She says she wants her daughter back home tonight.
Nil brings water bottle, Vicky complains no one thought about food. Swayam says our energy is running out just the way the water is. Rey and Swayam go to take food when the lights get off. The guards come there and tell them that orders are to cut off the power and you must leave. Vicky has a fight with the guard; Rey apologizes him and tells the guard to inform VP they aren’t leaving.
They say they are not going to do something for which college considers their protest as violent and problematic. They all spend light in mosquitoes, dark and hunger. Nil suggests they must tell horror stories. Rey says their protest has given them the positive sign. Sharon was afraid to listen.
Nil begins the story. They all listened, Vicky makes noises for which Sharon scolds him. they all listened to it, until its end Vicky was unconscious. They all laughed.
Sharon’s mom says that if she is a daughter I am her mother and she will realize in the morning tomorrow.
In the laugh, Sharon gets asthmatic attack. Swayam notices, Swayam asks for her bag and goes to take it.
PRECAP: In the morning, a lot of students get with the team D3. Sharon’s mom comes to VP and asks him to get them all arrested. Police comes and announces that they have arrest warrants for them.