Qubool Hai 14th May 2014 Written Update

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Qubool Hai 14th May 2014 Written Update by Rimjhim

Qubool Hai 14th May 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Ahil’s haveli
Uncle, aunty and latif are happily goring on the food that azhar pakced for them and lustily eyeing the jewellery, that asma’s mother sent for them. Zulfi is happily playing with ahil, gory video games, as he finds his own parents talk and banter boring. rehaan comes and talks how its useless to have victory over a dead person, and that this isnt humane and right. Ahil shuts the game and tells zulfi that rehaan is right and they should respect human life. He asks rehaan to prepare a drink for him.

Later, uncle and aunty are preparing dinner setting for asma’s parents, thinking that they have called for coming over for dinner, and have asked the entire family to be together. they think that they neednt take ahil for dinner, as he always gets up late. Meanwhile, Zulfi plays a prank on latis as he mixes one component of her face pack, and replaces it with chilli, and also mixes lots of black pepper powder. when his parents come, he hides and they are shocked to find latif with a face pack, and vice versa, and latif is unmable to comtrol herself and falls on the floor. zulfi is enjoying it.

Scene 2:
location: Hospital
Sanam is distraught as all doors shut for her, and she doesnt have anyoption, while remembering what the doctor said. As she passes by one ward, she finds that the nurse is covering up the face of a lady, and is distraught thinking about dilshad and her past memories of her with her badi Ammi. She collapses on the floor, distraught and in tears. She enters the ward refusing to belive that dilshad is dead. She is about to uncovber the face, when the nurse stops her. The nurse comes and shows her that her badi ammi is lying on the next bed. Sanam is shocked and relieved.

The nurse is profusely thanked by sanam. Sanam is relieved and thanks the receptionist nurse profusely for having conducted the operation on dilshad without money. the nurse says that money had been arranged. sanam is confused and asks who paid. The nurse shows on the tv, and shows that ahil paid for the money. sanam says that she cant believe that the evil did such a generous deed. Meanwhile, Ahil gets a call from the doctor that the surgery has been done and that had he not given the money on time, dilshad’s life would have been in danger. Ahil complies and listens. then she finds rehaan’s pic too, and thinks that he must have given the money.

As sanam comes in dilshads’s ward, she thinks that those who have everything dont have a heart and those who have a heart are left to bear the miseries of the world. she has pity for rehaan who is so selfless and yet has to be under the evil ahil. she thinks that rehaan came in time or else she would have lost dilshad maybe. A teardreop falls on her hand, and sanam turns around tear eyed, to go out, as she finds dilshad sleeping. Dilshad calls out to sanam

Dilshad asks where is she. sanam tells her everything. Dilshad is concerned about the payment of hospital bills. she tells her about that too, and asks her to relax and not be botherted for this stuff. Dilshad asks sanam how did she manage the money, as she mustnt have earned this much. Sanam says that she was helped by an angel, and that in testing times, the Lord didnt leave her, and sent an angelic face, and she never believed in it, but now she does. she says that people always help their near ones, but those who help others are actually angels, oblivious that she is talking about ahil actually. dilshad prays for that person and says that when she would be okay, she would personally go and thank that person. sanam says that she is going for that only, and asks her to take care of herself. dilshad doses off. Tucking her nicely, she leaves, giving her one last cursory glance.

Scene 3:
Location: Ahil’s haveli and on the road
Later, while latif is lamenting on her face gone wrong, uncle and aunty are discussing how asma’s parents are getting gifts for everyone. latif gets excioted too, but is reminded of the enormous work remaining. as latif talks about her nice skin, azhar breaks into laughter. She leaves in a huff. Azhar’s parents are concerned that ahil hasnt come. they call him up, while he is driving his car along with rehaan, and tell him about the dinner arranged for the evening, and ask his presence and for some money too, so that they too can gift asma’s parents something. Ahil asks him to buy whatever he wants, but keep him out of the family functions. They are overjoyed. Asma’s parents come and are greeted by azhar’s parents happily, as they eye the bag that they have got. Asma’s parents talk about ahil, and they make an excuse of him being busy in an urgent work. Azhar gets a phone call and gets uncomfortable, and excuses himself. In solitude, he picks up tyhe phone, and is surprised that the called is standing outside the house. He asks that person not to come in, as he would come out. He is tensed and moves out of the house. His parents are concerned. They try to patch up things, while the father keeps them busy, the mother takes after her son.

Rehaan tells ahil that jasmine has called. ahil has a hard time remembering who the girl is and whgen he met her. Rehaan asks if he wants to talk to her. ahil doesnt want to, and asks him insistently to disconnect the call. rehaan tries to cover and clarify things with jasmine while ahil cancels the phone, and is shocked that she thinks that her heart is broken after just one meet. rehaan says that her would understand when he falls in love at first sight. ahil comments on how humourous he sounds today. Rehaan says that love never knocks. Ahil says that wont happen to him, as he doesnt have a heart, but just brains. Rehaan says that he has a heart, but it doesnt know how to beat. He says that somewhere the lord has made a person who would teach his heart to beat too. Ahil says that the lord joins heart to heart and not to stone, and his body only has a stone inside,not a heart and hence the lord hasnt made anyone for him, oblivious that he has already met her, i.e. sanam, who’s praying in the dargah. The screen freezes on both their faces.

Precap: Ahil tells nazia that there would never be a time when he would have a to select a ring for a special girl, but then starts looking at the ring. Ahil says that even if he had to select one ring, he would have selected this one, and picks up a certain one. But in latif’s ovcerexcitement, she almost collides into ahil and the ring is thrown in the air, by mistake. While the ring falls on the floor, and starts rolling towards the main gate, ahil is surprised and others are tensed too. As fate would have it, the ring finally lands on Sanam’s feet, who has just entered the compound, so that she could have thanked rehaan for his help. she picks up the ring, and looks at it surprisingly. Ahil is tensed searching around for it.

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  1. qh
    May 15, 08:31 Reply

    Who is azhar, asma, zulfi in qabool hai…hw are they related to aahil or tanveer

  2. kavyazoya
    May 15, 01:12 Reply

    soon i want to see sahil’s romantic segment with that song
    junoon tere ishq ka……….
    i love that song so much

  3. sameers-s
    May 14, 22:05 Reply

    hi guys.
    good morning.

    and for some people goodnight/noon/evening.

  4. sanvi
    May 14, 22:01 Reply

    @sameer, no friend I like every 1ce including you too.
    But my 1st priorities goes with phoenix.

    • sameers-s
      May 14, 22:08

      hi sanvi.
      i was kidding.

  5. inew commet
    May 14, 16:44 Reply

    I didn’t get
    Who paid for delshad???
    Aahil or rehan?

    • sanvi
      May 14, 21:57

      Kaahil paid not rehaan.sanam misunderstood that its rehaan.

  6. rihanna
    May 14, 16:28 Reply

    I wish it would be Sanam and Rehaan

    • inew commet
      May 14, 16:38

      Love is more interesting when they r enemies at first

    • rihanna
      May 14, 16:40

      Yes because love blossoms

    • inew commet
      May 14, 16:47

      Usually when a boy and girl r in contact for a long time something happens in between..
      We say they r like fire and cotten…they come together one day…
      Finally the fire will be set

  7. sameer-s
    May 14, 15:44 Reply

    Bye guys
    Good night/sweet &salty dreams..

    And for some people goodmorninging/noon/evening.

    And take care.

  8. sameer-s
    May 14, 14:24 Reply

    happy birthday tithi sis.
    and dont tell me you have put any fake date at your dtb profile.
    like arashiya did on her gmail account.

    • tanvi
      May 14, 14:25


    • neeraja
      May 14, 14:29

      happy birthday tithi di (elephant) πŸ™‚

    • !@ughing Z@r
      May 14, 16:14

      happyyyyyyyyyyyyy birthdayyyyyyyyy myyyyyyyyyyyyy swttttt monkeyyyyyyyy sissssssssssssss

    • tithi
      May 15, 11:02

      No grandpa its my pakkawala real bday.hehe

  9. sanvi
    May 14, 12:39 Reply

    Boring episode.
    Honest ly I can’t find out 1 genuine reason to watch this.
    Moreover I wonder y surabhi still stick to this soap? ?

    • Phoenix
      May 14, 12:44

      Hi πŸ™‚ . nice to see you ..
      Agreed . ..

    • sanvi
      May 14, 12:51

      Hi Phoenix long time. U r 1 of the reason to visit this page my friend, bcz I like ur comments.

    • sameer-s
      May 14, 13:35

      hi sanvi.
      how are you.
      how can you say that you like only suni’s comments.
      just kidding.

  10. Phoenix
    May 14, 12:29 Reply

    Hi Sameer πŸ™‚

    Thanx Rimjhim for the WU . ..

    • sameers-s
      May 14, 12:32

      so when is your exams finishing.
      and all the best for all your exams.

    • Phoenix
      May 14, 12:37

      I can’t even follow the IPL matches πŸ™ . ..

    • Phoenix
      May 14, 12:37

      Thanks for your wishes πŸ™‚

    • sameers-s
      May 14, 12:38

      you know i did not see any one full match till now.

    • Phoenix
      May 14, 12:41

      I see only some highlights . ..
      Sameer , I need to go . . take care and sweet dreams . .
      I’m sorry to leave , but I have some work to attend to .

    • sameers-s
      May 14, 12:44

      ok bye..
      and all the best..
      have a nice day.
      take care.

    • Phoenix
      May 14, 12:44

      Thank you πŸ™‚ bye dear . ..

  11. Phoenix
    May 14, 12:27 Reply

    I wish Sanam could be with Rehan instead πŸ™‚ . .. Poor guy tries his best to understand Aahil .
    This was one stupid , worthless and horrible episode 😐 . ..
    Only good part was Dilshad’s been saved . But , Sanam owes that to Ahail 😑
    I don’t say that regularly about many episodes , so don’t any of you tell me to not watch if I don’t like it ok πŸ™‚ ..I have a right to my opinion .
    All I saw was sadness and some disgusting people who I wish would disappear from QH . So far this show has continued like b4 , where the bad guys have the upper hand . It’s taking too long to get to the part about Sanam finding justice .
    Hopefully now that Dilshad got her operation , she will be better able to support Sanam .
    Btw . .. Haya was left alone 😐 ??
    I hope that Aahil simply did something good for Sanam by paying Dilshad’s bills .
    But , I may be hoping too much . I hope that he doesn’t try to control her now , because of the debt she owes him .

    • sameers-s
      May 14, 12:29

      hi suni.
      how are you.
      still exams are not over?

    • Phoenix
      May 14, 12:32

      Next week Thursday will be the last πŸ˜€
      But , then I have more in June πŸ™ . ..
      I’ll have some time next week though as the last exam isn’t that tough .
      How are you ?

    • sameers-s
      May 14, 12:33

      looks like we both are commenting questions at one place and answering another place.

  12. Rimjhim
    May 14, 12:20 Reply

    thanks Sameer…its encouragement for readers like u, that I can keep up the work…enjoy reading….!!!

  13. sameers-s
    May 14, 12:02 Reply

    thanks rimjhim for fast updates.
    no one is like you in posting updates so fast..

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