Mahabharat 5th April 2014 Written Update
Mahabharat 5th April 2014 Written Episode
Episodes begin with das informing draupadi to come to sabha which is maharaj duryodhans orders.draupadi says i follow only my husbands orders on this the das says that ur husband has lost u n has no more any right over u and u r now duryodhans dasi.draupadi she will not come to the sabha go tell duryodhan ,if yudishtir has lost himself he cant bet on him n i will not come to sabha.
Mahamahim says draupadi is right , duryodhan says tats not possible she is yudishtirs wealth she is not dron says man has right over money not money over man same is with yudishtir n draupadi. Karna says if guru dron is right than inthis sabha we followed the path of adharma n tat to in presence of such knowledgeable people. On this mamashri says let yudishtir answer on this,n yudishtir says if losing brothers is dharma so is losing draupadi is dharma this statement of yudishtir upsets all the pandavas.
Duryodhan orders dushasan to bring draupadi in sabha by pulling her hair,this upsets bheem and he says if dushasan touches draupadi he will kill her , duryodhan says mind ur tone das bheem on this arjun yells at duryodhan saying e has no right to orders or else adharma will take place. Mamshri says yes why not arjun do so and insult ur brother yudishtir ,n due to this arjun n bheem have to keep mum.
Dushasan enters draupadis kaksha(room) and orders her to come with him, draupadi refuses to c]go with him n asks him not to cross the limits n leaves the kaksha saying i challenge u if u have guts take me to sabha in presence of queen,n procceds towards the queens kaksha on her way dushasan pull her by her hair takes her to the rajya sabha dragging her by her hair n says u no more have any pride ego or right ur husband has lost all thisn pulls her hits her drag her on stairs n drags her puts her in feet of duryodhan.draupdi keeps murmuring n asking him to leave her but dushasan ruthlessly pull her .
All pandavas n draupadi are in anger n tears but are helpless n cant take any action on it due to principles of brother this sight bhishma and all the people are upset and in tears but bound to dharma principles so do nothing at this sight.yudishtir is shown to be ashamed of himself . but bheem on this sight says dushasan i will break ur hands who touched the purity of draupadi i will kill u. Duryodhan says dushasan i want to kill her ego show me the face of this egoistic lady….
PRECAP: Draupadi says i don’t accept any of ur orders on this duryodhan says this egoistic lady insulted me by making me neshastra (took away my sword) i will nevastra(remove all her clothes) her ……
April 07, 13:21A/c to original story Wikarna was the only one among kaurav who protested duryodhan, for his action towards panchali but its not shown…
April 06, 12:50I feel ver bad for draupadi
How could they do this to a girl
But awesome acting by pooja sharma
Plzzzzz Draupadi ask help frm u r friend Krishna
Since he promised u ,that I will help u in any kind of situation
April 06, 05:55Thank u… Thank u… Thank u so much ananya… Thank u…

April 06, 03:54Stupid duryodan dushasan and idiote karn(they both are mannerless stupids but u speak about dharma and do adharma things ur laughing on droupati ?) am waiting for ur deaths idiotes
April 06, 12:47So true kiran
But did u realize that Karan is disgusted by the act of duryodan and dhshasan
Karan is not a bad person
He just want it to be a loyal person to his friendship
Other than tht duryodan and Dushaan are heart less figures
April 06, 01:59Can anyone tell me draupadi what she is saying in 9th april promo? I dont know hindi… Can anyone help me?
April 06, 02:24Draupadi being insulted……….. getting stripped infront of the court……
Then voice over of daupadi taking to arjun………. “husbands should protect their wife……… that is dhram”
Arjun replying that “I was bound to yudhistir’s orders……”
Then draupadi voce over to yudishtir”and you keeper of dharmraj?”
Yudishtir replying that “I was bound to promises….. (kept to dhridrastra……)”
Draupadi again replying angrily “none were bound to anything……. you all were being insulted. ….. who were five and none couldn’t protect their own wife…….. a woman wasn’t being stripped infront of the court….. it was the 5 pandavas who were being stripped…….