Jodha Akbar 6th March 2014 Written Update
Jodha Akbar 6th March 2014 Written Episode
Scene 1
Jalal ask hamida to start, she says from many years ruks have taken good care of harem but she neglected some problems so new leader can be given chance so i take jodha’s name, gul badan chooses ruks, jiji anga names jodha, then maham says i give my vote ruks, salima takes ruks name, bakshi remembers sharif looking at jodha’s pic, she takes ruks name. Otherside sujamal enters agra, he says to bhaan singh that i have to see jodha once to see if she is alright, bhaan warns him, he says go from here i will meet you after meeting jodha, he goes. in court, all begums votes for their candidates, after counting it is found that there is a tie between them, only you,ruks and jodha are left, jalal ask jodha about her vote, jodha remembers suffering of bandhies. she says i am giving my vote to myself, ruks says i request jalal to tell 1st to whom his vote is given, jalal says you both are very important for me but if i have to choose then i will choose the one who was with me in my thick and thin so i choses ruks, jodha looks at jalal and nods to him. she gets the flashback where Jodha comes to jalal and says i want favour from you, jodha says i want your vote, jalal says you know its against rule to ask vote like this, you are bribing why you are doing this, jodha says i dont want to come between you and ruks so if you take my name in court then her heart will break so i want you to give your vote to her, jalal says you always surprises me, he ask what will i get? she says what can i give to shehenshah, she leaves. FB ends. bandi says now they both are on tie only ruks vote is left, she says i am happy that harem people loves me, jalal supported me which is honor for me, i tried my best to serve to harem but some people think that i am not deserving to this post so i want to give them a chance, i chooses jodha’s name for this post, all are stunned. all congrats jodha, maham smirks to jodha.
Scene 2
all begums are discussing that how ruks can leave her right, she is pretending to be nice, in room jodha says ruks loves to be harem leader then why she took my name? moti says i thought she will bring storm if you win but she gave it to you smilingly, she says i dont understand why salima took ruks name, jodha smiles and says i said to her to take ruks name. FB shows that salima says i will choose you only, jodha says ruks is your sister and if you dont choose her then dispute will be created between you and her. salima says she is my sister but you understand relation better.
hamida says i know ruks she cant give her right to anyone else, gul says maybe she is tired and wants to gove jodha a chance, hamida says i hope you are right, jalal outside thinks that why ruks backout after coming at winning line, what win is hidden behind giving this position to jodha.
Scene 3
Jodha and moti comes in mandir, jodha says i wanted to take blessing to maa before starting harem work, she is giving food to poors, sujamal in disguise is also sitting there, he drags jodha and takes her aside, he says its me sujamal, jodha is happy to see him. She remembers their sword fighting, their time spent together then she remembers jalal’s words that sujamal has killed his soldiers, read full updates daily with pictures only at jodha says i dont want to see your face, 1st you fought against bharmal then with jalal, he says these wars are happening from years, mughals are our enemy, jodha says that mughal is my husband, suja says i didnt kill them they died in war so i sent their body respectfully to agra, she says every mughal is here is thristy for your blood so go from here, he says i just wanted to see you, he leaves, jodha is emotional.
In court, atgah says rana pratap is plotting against us, jalal orders to look in this matter, jalal says when jodha got consciousness i announced jashn, so there will be grand jashn in haveli, i will myself tell this to jodha.
In room, maham says to ruks that you played wonderful game, all were so shocked, ruks says she will not get saved from me unlike benazir, she says jodha will involved in harem matters, she will be solving problems of harem and jalal will be solving my hairs, jodha will get no time for jalal, she says other thing is that harem is not easy to handle, she have to do arrangements of food, solve fights, then she will know. she says now i attacked only jodha didnt involve jalal in it.
PRECAP- jalal says i was joking, i am happy you are doing work, jodha says but i am not feeling good that you came to meet me and i am busy, jalal says i dont like thoses people who leave their work just for someone and to tell you you were looking beautiful even doing work.
anu (jodha begum)
March 07, 09:13anybody here?
anu (jodha begum)
March 07, 09:12izzy, you gone?
March 07, 16:45My wings on the move di!!!!!!
anu (jodha begum)
March 07, 09:08izzy!!
March 07, 16:44Ah!!! DI what can I do??
I got a bad schedule for u
I never get chance to meet u these days
Bt will soon
March 07, 08:01assalam walekum sehenshah
March 07, 07:47@Newshi are you here???
Why you asked me like that???
March 07, 07:55@Newshi where you went…
Please reply….
March 07, 07:19hi Alina apu how r u
March 07, 07:34Hii Newshi…
I’m good dear…
How are you?
March 07, 07:36I am good r u playing the character of Jalal????????
March 07, 07:43Yess I’m playing…lol
Why your asking this Newshi?
March 07, 07:07@Absolutely right!!…totally agree:))
March 07, 07:34@Mayaa I mean…sorry
March 07, 07:01
March 07, 07:02check out d new dress of jodha bakshi n jijianga…may be jashn me pehne
March 07, 07:35Thnx @NM:))
March 07, 05:10Just watched again the precap from yesterdays episode. The innocent look on Jodhas face when she says, ‘I know but you came to see me and I could not attend you, this is also not right.’ was so well act. This battle of Harem that Ruks started with her evil plan, will sure end in bringing Jo and Ja more closer to each other, as Jodha will have to attend to chores of her husband Jalal too.
Although must admit the performance of Ruks and Maham also, they really deliver what they are supposed too. The 30 second part where Maham few days ago, comes close to Ruks and expresses her hatred towards Jodha was really great acting. But we are human beings and it is really nice to know that through such shows we meet some many people from around the world who still beleive in love over hate and war. This I feel is important, especially nowadays as we watch so much of hatred and disparity around us.
Love and good should and will always win over evil….sometimes it takes longer but in the end, Love Prevails…..
March 07, 06:32Correct maayaa I agree
Even I liked ma’s expression s very much.bcz I witnessed different express ions on that day I thought ruks definitely suspect her intentions n gets alert ,but not.she was as dumb again.
March 07, 06:34I forgot 2 thank ekta 4 ensembling such great actors over here that .everyone giving their 100/performance.
March 07, 04:32how r u alina?
March 07, 04:51Im good Di…how are you?
March 07, 04:26@Izzy I’m good dear
Hii Sia Di
March 07, 04:20no one here?
March 07, 04:18hi izzy alina
March 07, 09:05Hey di
March 07, 04:17omg my angel here
maryam funmi
March 07, 04:13Good. New job with good relationships within johda and jalal will soon start.
March 07, 03:56Thanks