1. SaMud4Ever
    January 19, 20:18 Reply

    I love you SaMud!!! 🙂 I let a tear drop when I saw this two videos!!! 🙂 It makes me so happy!!! 🙂 Especially seeing SaMud so happy!!! 🙂

  2. SaMud4Ever
    January 19, 20:18 Reply

    I can’t wait for next week!!! 🙂 It looks amazing, and will be just as good as this week!!! 🙂

  3. SaMud4Ever
    January 19, 20:17 Reply

    SaMud hug was really intense, pure, and lovely!!! 🙂 They are doing an amazing job!!! 🙂

  4. SaMud4Ever
    January 19, 20:16 Reply

    Yay!!! We get to see Saras talk in Tony Singh accent again!!! 🙂

  5. SaMud4Ever
    January 19, 20:16 Reply

    Jennifer should leave her hair down and straighten it more often!!! She is looking really pretty!!! 🙂

  6. SaMud4Ever
    January 19, 20:15 Reply

    Another really nice JeNam interview!!! Loved it!!! 🙂 I hope they actually do get married!!! 🙂

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