Devon Ke Dev…Mahadev 5th June 2013 Written Update
Devon Ke Dev…Mahadev 5th June 2013 Written Episode
Shivji expresses his desire to take Parvati somewhere else before returning to kailash. He closes her eyes & they are the same Parvati vana. She ls happy, seeing him after such a long time. Says after Ganesh got them married, yet they were seprate for so long. He had to suffer a lot during this period. He says it’s nothing compared to what you’ve undergone in your memoryless state. Without her near & dear ones, it must have been painful to be away from her children. She says because of this I’ve understood you upto certain extent but when will I be aware of you compeletely? He says, through Yoga, you have been able to understand me but when will I be able to understand you compeletely? You & your mother made me dance. She says my pranam to Nataran Shiv. He calls her Nateshwari. He gives her Gajara. She says in a married life such small things should not be given important. She refuses to take that Gajara. He tells her let these flowers, who have separated from the tree, adorn your hair. He puts the Gajara in her hair. They enjoy their moments of being together. Nature shows her pleasure whith flowers blooming every where. He shows the planted by her is grown fully. They both give water to the tree together.
At Ksheersagar Vishnuji asks Lakshmiji, why does she look serious? She is thinking about Vrinda’s curse, they’ll have to be separated soon. He tells her what he did with Vrinda was unavoidable , he’ll have to pay for it. You are my ardhangini, so even you are a part of it. Not only Kayika (Physical) Karmas but even the Manasika karmas, thoughts do give their result. In future that curse will materialize. She asks when & how. He answers only future can tell that.
Dashanan is doing penanace sitting in front of a Shiv ling. Shurpanakha feels he is actually aiming for something else. Vibhishan comes, asks her why does she look worried? Brother is called a big bhakta by Mahadev only. She says bhakti can be a matter of worry for a bhakta’s family. She has seen him trying to push big mountain at night. Undre the pretex of penance, he is preparing for something else. Do you know what is he thinking? Vibhishan says the purpose must be big, he is not an ordinary Asura, will achieve what he wants through his penanace.
Precap: At Kailash Shivji, Parvati are welcomed by all. The rishis, Ganas, Mena, Himavan, Kartikeya, all are celebrating. Ganesh is dancing. Indra without his crown comes to apologise to Shivji, says, he has realised result of his Karams after loosing everything.
fan of mahadev
June 05, 19:37Thanks 4 Update
June 05, 15:33Thanks
June 05, 13:42very nicely written