1 Comment

  1. Asya Fan#1/Kajen Fan
    April 10, 01:32 Reply

    Happy Anniverysary to both the dashing couple<3 God Bless you both and I will always support and vote for you guys and what a cute yet simple anniversary<3 Karan it is so cute how u try not to be romantic and u even say it but u normally are and omg what a coincidence their very 1st show they got married in it and at the end they end up marrying each other also in reality it is super adorable. Didn't know how a bottle could be such a happy memory lol I am noticing that Karan is saying everything like almost everything openly Jenny ur so nice that you don't want to make him mad by saying something stupid to the media. Their not together in the interview but yet their still together and love the song they picked. I want Kajen to be together forever again god bless you both if you read this:D and i watched both of the videos and I want to see more of you both 🙂

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