Punar Vivah 21st December 2012 Written Update
Punar Vivah 21st December 2012 Written Update by Rimjhim
Scene 1:
Location: Prashant’s house
When taiji is gone, shobha confronts dubeyji about her actions. He tries to calm hr down saying that he did whta he had to stop taiji from going out and creating a scene right then. The scindia family outside takes its leave from the dubeys who thank them again for making this an enjoyable and memorabel day of their lives. while others leave, yash stays behind to tell arti that he has an urgent important meeting that he has to attend. after completing that, he would come and pick her up. Arti tries to protest but taiji too asks her to stay behind and she has no option but to agree. yash leaves while arti is tensed.
Outside, sitting in the car, he calls up someone who tells him that all preparations are done and they are just waiting for the photos now. He says he’s coming with them. He then calls up shobha and tells her to send arti to the address that he had given her. He thinks to himself that now he would finally tell arti what his eyes have already told her.
Scene 2:
Location: Prashant’s house
Taiji is explaining to prashant that arti would definitely come back to him. Seeing arti leave, she asks her where is she going. arti tells her that she’s going to yash. she stops her and tries to tell her that prashant is the man that she first fell in love with and that she is destined to spend hr whole life with him. She tries to reprimand her for the fact that even if prashant made a mistake, yet she should have waited for him some years since she had true love for him. But she refuses the idea and when taiji tries to place her hand in prashant’s she jerks herself away saying that yash isnt a stranger but her husband now. taiji tries to stop her but she leaves. prashant too asks taiji not to stop her and let her go.
In her room, while arranging things, shobha finds the album. she sees prashant and arti’s wedding photo missing and realises that in haste and nervousness she had given it to yash along with other pics of arti. She expresses her concern with prashant who has just come in. she reminds him of the favour arti did to him saving his life and that now its his time to pay her back by saving her marriage, her life with yash from destruction. Shobha is tensed while prashant leaves.
scene 3:
Location: Sunshine Hotel
yash reaches inside and a person comes upto him to give him the framed photos. underneath the pile, lies arti and prashant’s wedding photo.
Scene 4:
Location: In the car
While travelling, arti remembers taiji’s words and is tensed.
Scene 5:
Location: Sunshine Hotel
while placing the photos on the stand, yash is talkign to hismelf saying that Arti’s smile is the basis of her existence, the sparkle of her eyes are responsible for the sunshine in his life.
Meanwhile, arti too reaches the hotel. Boggled she asks the driver why he dropped her there. he says he was instructed by shobha maa to do so. She gets down the car nd enters the hotel. As she steps in the hallway, a romantic song starts playing and she finds a letter with a poetry, and a directonal arrow pointing her o walk ahead. She thinks to herself that ysh is very nice and in anticipation starts walking. she walks inside to find violinist’s playing a beautiful melody. She futher walks ahead to find her pathway strewn with balloons and one red heart shaped balloon amongst them pointing her where to go next. she takes the cue and keeps walking thinking that she would ultimately find yash.
yash is still arranging pics, prashant sees him and ducks behind a pillar for not to be seen. when yash goes to palce another photo, he sneaks and manges to take his photo and is about to leave when yash gets a phoen call and he hears yash ordering someone to send arti up. prashant is confused that he cant even leave now and is frustrated at the dilemma.
meanwhile as arti approaches the elevator that would take her upstairs to yash, she gazes at the video camera and finds prashant hiding behind a pillar. she misinterprets that it was him behind ll this and is digusted. she gets on the elevator anyway to give him a piece of his mind.
when she reaches at the top, she finds the whole room romantically set, with the screen saying I LOVE YOU AARTI and her photos all around. she also finds a man’s sillhouette standing with his back to her gazing at her and ansh’s photo. She is disgusted and starts to say, that why is he doing all this. She accepts that she loved him once but now she is tied to yash. yash who is standing with his back to her is shocked out of his wits and hurt, while prashant too is devastated for arti. the screen frrezes on yash’s face.
Precap: NONE
clash of clans juwelen kaufen geht nicht
October 05, 02:54Paragraph writing is also a fun, if you be acquainted with
then you can write otherwise it is complex to write.
December 24, 12:22Lord Afreesh is angry . He is back to smashing stuff !
December 24, 12:23Sorry Yaar I missed the ” he ” . I am tensed though we prepared
December 24, 11:20suni,i want to tell u one thing.if u observe care fully.they are telling futher plot.for example papa s had told gayathri one aarti will carry yash child after some time.at the time of chid fest dubey had prayed for god about prashant(It was a hint about prashant ill health).
now i rember gayathri’s words told to vidhi that YASH WILL HAVE A BABY BOY. so i hope that comes true and they wont destroy their happines ayu.
December 24, 11:40Yes I hope the same dear . Very good point . Everybody wants this baby . Hopefully they just want to keep us in suspense .
December 24, 11:06suni,i dont how my name was disappeared and anonomyus had been mentioned
December 24, 11:04hi suni,i think aart’s pregency complication may be used now.as only it can save her.i was wondernig,how many months pregency she is having.they retured from mumbai on 10th august(it was clear).now it is december(said by vidi),almost she must have 5 months prgency.but still they did not mind about her pregency.i feel some thing is runnig in writters mind(they are doing it wantedly,to save aarti from critical situations).
December 24, 11:15Yes , they are plotting . I do not think it would be wise for them to remove Ayu from the equation . It will devastate Yash and Aarti and most will not want to watch . I was also wondering about how many months pregnant she was . We have to be mindful that it is soap opera land , so who knows !
December 24, 05:48Afreesh. I woke up with a rather disturbing thought about PV . What if Aarti does lose that baby ? Would Yash blame her for not taking better care of herself and allowing Ayu to die ? For not trusting him enough to share her troubles ? I mean , we see how much he loves the little being . I know he loves Aarti more , but it could shock our innocent friend and break his tender heart if Ayu never lives in the outside world . Also , would he blame himself for not being more aware of her needs ? There will be so much hurt if Ayu dies .
December 24, 06:09Oh suni wht u say?u Dont think this matter. Never dies ayu.
December 24, 06:20Raji , hi ! Me and Afreeh have been discussing this topic . We are trying to figure out all possible angles that the writers could adopt . I do not want Ayu to die . Poor Yash could barely get over when Arpita died . Sorry to alarm you .
December 24, 06:27Hi suni, both r very well. I was read all comments. It was wonderful. Both are helping for punar vivah writter and team becaze all comments were multi zone view. So good job yeah. . .
December 24, 06:37Thank you Raji
, your comments are also great .
December 24, 09:20Suni….sorry yaar…..I was just thinking about you but felt very tired that’s why I didn’t check … yeah, he would get more upset that by hiding the matter she had done unfavorable condition to the unborn baby. He may think about sacrificing Arthi at this point…
Suni….I don’t think Ansh could select Prashand & his past relatives when the choices raised to his attention because yash has given him everything not only love as a child he can’t miss his big family & his sisters & all the pleasures. Moreover, Ansh is an intelligent child like his bio-father & sentimental type like Arthi.
Our Anti-hero should do something to save that child’s future
December 24, 09:56You know Suni…. if we ask Sj to say who are the people she hate in the world, the answer would be Prashand , Dubeys , Maya, oldy, shoba…..so much hatred energy yaar as if they alive infront of her…
And you….always comparing Prashand with leopard….
I think you hate Dubeys more than anyone
Maya will throw party with that witch partnership …..(ha….ha…ha…)
December 24, 10:53Lol Afreesh , that is true , you can be very funny . With Prashant being the anti -hero , he wouldn’t know if to accept he invitation or if to decline ! Poor guy can’t make up his mind , whether he is good now or bad . Old habits die hard .
December 24, 10:56Yes Ansh is very intelligent , but I guess that blood being thicker than water theory will be tested again . He has an instinctive love for Prashant .
December 24, 11:19Afreesh , Prashant and Yash and Aarti have to work together and think rationally like adults , they are not the only ones involved in this situation as there are the children who will be greatly hurt . I think we need to see some maturity from the writers in this situation . Prashant and Aarti need to be honest to Yash and also to the kids .
Sometimes I feel that we are better off writing our own story from this point onwards . We would guarantee ourselves a happy ending , lol .
December 24, 12:06Suni…..if adults behave in a matured way there won’t be much problem in life yaar…. you know the children are the one going to unite them again. And, those 3 kids are wiser than Arthi & Yash… if yash behaves like a child again then Arthi should stand for the children. Even our Anti.H should try to pacify yash for the sake of children.
Today’s episode will give us some hint regarding the future story….anyhow I’m ready to watch yash’s reaction with balanced mind…what about you my dear????
December 24, 12:16Yes Afreesh so am I . I just realized that Prashant is another “aunt ” in two ways . I was only focused on the PrashANT , but he is also an ANTI – hero . We will get but on our humour yaar if not by their plot . Very true that kids are wiser at times . I guess it is because their minds are pure and they see the simplicity rather than the complications in this world .
December 24, 05:24aarti and yash we love you both
December 23, 00:36hi suni,wonderfull analsis by u and afresh.i want to share my view.i fell it is not correct to compare prashant love and paridi love. paridi made a mistake(i too agree)but i happend without her intention.she did not want to be disloyal to prathiek but it had happend unkowingly where as it is different in prashant case,he was disloyal to aarti,what he did was his own desision.howeever paridi might be she rally loved prathik and she always wanted to be with prathiek.even after marriage,knowing his family culture she did not want to go far away from him.even prathiek told her that if she fell that much diffucult,she can leave him and she replied that she doesnt want to end the relation that easily(unlike prashant)and even she was ready to go ti jail instead of seeing hatred towards her in prathik’s eys.if prathiek forgives her and supports herthen yash should learn some thing from him,that if he truly loves aarti he should be abilty to forgive her and support.
afresh,u made me realise yash shyness to confess his love to aarti.so if u fell some thing wrong in my opinion,please tell me.
December 23, 04:16Dear…we didn’t compare the disloyal of Paridhi & Prashand we just compared their personality (if you have doubts check that discussion once again). They both are single child and selfish natured and if Paridhi didn’t get her tough lesson she might have end up with divorce like Prashand. But, she is a blessed female to get Prateik as her life partener.
December 23, 06:32Prsv , I missed your opinions dear , thank you for sharing . I know how you feel ,
but at the end of it all , what Pari did will cause immense pain to Pratheik because of the love he has for her and the love he feels Pari has for him. The person with the most power to hurt you is the person you love the most . I don’t think that Pratheik will immediately rationalise Pari’s mistake , he is going to be immensely hurt at first . Pari had the guidance and support of the Schindia family and she has changed . Like Afreesh said , she was blessed . I want Pratheik to forgive her when the whole truth is revealed .
Prsv I am not comparing Pari’s love to Prashant’s love. I am comparing the effects of their mistakes . I know Pari loves Pratheik . But both Pari and Prashant are sorry for there missteps . Both were at one point were selfish instead of loyal to their spouses . Both caused immense pain . Pari didn’t care about anyone but herself when she sought to get ahead ( I understand her desires ) Prashant didn’t care about anyone when he left Aarti . Both ended up with regrets . Thanks to Aarti , Pari’s regrets came sooner rather than later or Pari would have been an international wanted criminal . Both were very young . Pari still hasn’t told the truth despite Pratheik’s love and support . That would hurt Pratheik even more .
You have a very good point that it was not Pari’s intent to hurt Pratheik .The powers greater than herself knows that , and that is why she was freed of murder . This is what Yash and Aarti and the Schindia family will have to understand , you are correct . That what Prashant did was that he abandoned his duties to his wife . He broke their sacred bond . Pari wanted to leave with Pratheik , she never sought to abandon him . Prashant also walked out on his unborn child , what he did was unconscionable , never once did he think about Aarti and Ansh until he faced near death and future loneliness . Again he is being selfish to want Aarti back .
December 22, 13:24if yash accept aarti i think then the future episode will be very romantic i want to see more romantic between yash and aathi so yash pls accept aarthi
December 22, 13:18yash pls dont angry with aarthi
December 22, 13:09supper finally aarti tell the truth
December 22, 09:02Suni….I was wondering while reading your comment & mine….this time, it was totally opposite views…Strange yaar….I worried about Arthi and you worried about Yash…..(LOL…) too much influence yaar!!!!
You know Suni….what is the biggest problem with Arthi….”SHE DOES RIGHT THINGS IN A WRONG WAY”….Yes her intention was good but her ways are not good. So, the universe blessed her for the good intention and punished her for the wrong way…. The PV team did great job while revealing the truth yaar…applause
How the universe blessed her???….Just imagine….If she or Prashand or Shoba said to yash in a conventional way that Arthi didn’t have any affair with Prashand; Is it possible for yash to believe them with all those (that Car mechanic & late night & muffler man) incidents????…. No one can prove what happened with them at that late night and at Yash’s house as well as there is no one can support Arthi except Yash. It was easy for yash to support her with Aman, but it’s impossible for him to justify her action with her ex-husband.How can he trust her morality unless there is no logic on it???…That’s why the universe blessed her by revealing the truth accidentally and wiped out the danger of being accused for morality by conveying “I loved you once but now I’m tied with Yash”, which was delivered to the person who has enough evidence to suspect her easily. That’s enough for yash to trust her morality…(I was expecting more dialogue to protect her from every angle….That’s upto the writer’s pen….because whatever she talks now is the final one yash is going to be accepted without any doubt later she might not have the chance to speak to him)
How the universe punished her???…. All these time, for what she was waiting to hear from his mouth is not going to happen at present and also in near future. Hence, she doesn’t deserve his pure love with that long standing lie and deceit. The universe offered her many chances to reveal the truth but she denied and now it punished her cruelly by conveying the truth like a thief
Next…. Why Yash punished by the universe???… I don’t consider this hurt as a punishment to yash. Since, he didn’t do any wrong to anyone intentionally or unintentionally….yes, he was in rejection; but he was not only rejected her even he rejected his own feelings and honestly he tried hard to come out of that illusions. Then why this hurt? It’s a challenge or lesson for him to know… why didn’t he care or interested about her past life & ex-husband?. Where he failed to bestow her hope for trusting him??? Is it possible for him to respect her ex-husband the way she did with his ex-wife? Is it possible to love her & step-son when his father is alive?
Up to my observation I didn’t see any hatred look from yash towards paridhi & he was rushing himself to protect her after knowing her adultery. If so, there is no wrong in forgiving Arthi for that lie & supporting her to get rid of her past life. And also he knew her very well that she used to tell lie for good reason and he respect her feelings….So, I’m strongly believing on his support but he can’t express his feeling unless she assures by her attitude that she loves him
Suni I will cointinue later yaar…(guest came to my house)
December 22, 10:54Lol Afreesh we do influence eachother
. I have no complaints . I don’t mind your influence . We spend so much time wondering about how the universe works , but sometimes I am still amazed that I can sense your thoughts and you mine . I was making a banana bread , but I knew that you had sent your moment . I cannot explain the connexion . I read it and decided to wait for you to continue but as I continued with my baking , I kept reasoning things out in my head .
You have said it well that Aarti does the right things in the wrong way. Yes I agree , that this is why the universe blesses and also punishes her . She needs Yash’s purity of heart to make her a 100 % believer in the human race . She needs someone 100% on her side . She has never met a selfless person as Yash who accepts her as she is and expects nothing in return but her presence in his life . Everybody else , including Shobha has used her in some way . Yash is the key to changing Aarti . She needs to trust his goodness . Similarly Yash had to believe that Aati is his blessing from the universe , she brought love back into his sullen heart .
Afreesh my mind is working over time . The banana bread is in the oven and I paused before I make fruit cake ( yucky stuff , but people like it :$ so I make it ) . I had a possible explaination for Aarti’s choice of words . My mind travelled back to Yash and Aarti’s wedding day . When Aati was “tied ” to Yash , but broke away to save Ansh . The only one to make Aarti possibly willing to give up her love for Yash is Ansh . We saw with dismay and apprehension the growing affection Ansh has for Prashant . How will he react knowing that Prashant is his biological father who he always longed for ???
He saw only the good side of Prashant . Aarti is tied to Yash as well because of Ayu . A baby that is growing , but she physically shows no signs of his existence . The witch has already began plotting , she now knows that Ansh is Prashant’s son . Aarti is in more troubl than we think yaar . She needs Yash on her side , but final decisions are hers . Her dilemma is more serious that Yash’s could ever have been . Divorce is no easy matter . Will she be able to say no to Ansh ? Will Ansh choose Yash over Prashant ? Very tough choices yaar , if I am correct .
Both Aarti and Ansh are being given the things they once wished so vehemently to come true . Hopefully they both realize that their wishes came true when Aarti married Yash as it was destined by the universe and not by any man , woman or child .
December 22, 16:44Suni….sorry yaar…I made you to wait for long time. Now I’m going to list out possibilities of why can’t he accept the truth easily
Suni….they are going to bring triangle (3 pin) love story,there is no doubt on that. Arthi & yash life is going to be gloomy that’s what indicated by the dark room & Prashand life is going to be bright which is represented by the lighted area and he was holding his marriage photo too(???)
You know suni…I couldn’t reason why Yash didn’t have any curiosity to see Arthi’s ex-husband atleast one time, if he didn’t like to hurt Arthi’s feeling he might have got it from shoba or Dubey???…right?
Then when Prashand asked him would you allow Arthi to keep her ex-picture; there was huge silence from yash…why?
When Prashand said 5 years they didn’t celebrate wedding day after the death of Arthi’s husband; Yash’s reaction bothered me so much…what is it yaar?…when he said…Accha…it sounds as if he doen’t want to hear anything more about that man….why????
At KC time Maya sacastically stated “what is the need to see her ex at this holy day”; Yash’s face fade away instantly….why???
I’m not going to say that he is narrow minded, but he is naturally possessive & very sensitive man. So, it is not easy for him to accept the existance of her first love without hurt.
It might be easy for him to forgive Pari as he didn’t have any attachment or blind trust or respect or love on her but he delightfully confirmed Arthi is exclusively wonderful among all the female. How could he accept that she is not that personality as like as he thought???
How could he accept the fact that she gave more importance to Prashand than him??? (Yes…,she saved Prashand by hurting Yash’s feelings through consecutive lies)
Then, the another aspect is….yash can’t think bad about Prashand; since, he has seen the deep love for his wife & regret feelings from Prashand and also yash felt bad for his loneliness & grief. Prashand too deliberately expressed his intention that he feels jealous about their togetherness. On top of that, he lied most of the time to save Arthi’s marriage and the extreme point is he conveyed himself as dead……So, it’s very difficult for Yash’s tender & selfless heart to accept them (Arthi & Ansh) as his own.
I believe, Prashand is not a eminent danger to Arthi’s life as we imagine. Infact, Yash & Arthi are the one going to make their life more complicated by their selfless nature.Yes…yash would love her more than ever once he learns about her past life, but he could never express to her. First, we have seen their subconcious love and later concious love in future we may see their hidden immense love….
I don’t know what they are planning to do with the unborn baby….
December 22, 20:14No need to apologize , I can always wait yaar .
. Just thought of it and had to share …
Afreesh , funny thing about the Schindia security system . The tape showed Prashant leaving , how come it didn’t pick up on him entering ? I mean , their security arrangements suck if they only have cameras at the back of the house . Plus , we could count on the PV logic to not bless any member of the Schindia gang with any wisdom beyond their noses conveniently sometimes ! No one , not even Mr Lawyer Pankraj , thought to review the other tapes for that night :$ . They simply accepted outside intrusion as long as nothing was missing . These people worry about the wrong things ! Weren’t they worried that he was going for the axe and would come through the front where there are possibly no cameras ???
I know , this bears no relevance to our topic
December 22, 21:41Afreesh , if Yash loves Aarti the way he professed on KC night , he will stand by her . I still believe that he isn’t complete ( I will not use the phrase isn’t perfect ) for it just a small aspect that he lacks . He lacks that trust in the universe , I spoke of , that will give him self confidence . We agree that Aarti has too much , but Yash appears to have too little . He has too much obligation to the physical rather than the spiritual . That is why his battle was portrayed as an outward fight in the boxing ring . It was with great challenge that he accepted Aarti , for she represents a free , universal spirit that he was unaccustomed to . Now he has to see beyond people , he has to accept that Aarti is his soulmate and that letting her go will immensely trouble two pure souls but may please many , narrow minds . . They can only love each other as it was destined to be , when they change without being asked , when they get to a point of self realisation and each want to improve their being for the other .
Prashant is no antagonist as I previously thought , he is what they call in literature an ” anti-hero” . He is confused and does heroic acts but with the wrong intention , he always attempts to get ahead through unconventional means , is prone to self pity but instead of harming others he usually harms himself . Yash is our HERO . The writers will not allow Aarti to return to Prashant after all the drama is done . It would make no sense as far as great works go . Heroines such as Aarti do not end up with anti -heroes .
Yes Yash appears very disturbed by that presence , dead or alive of another man in Aarti’s life . We once asked for him to be jealous , does Yash even know that emotion ? He only recently assessed his love for Aarti , he was happy to not have to worry about any dead husband . Remember , he has a one track mind and even when Aarti ran away , he needed encouragement to run after her . He depends on the guidance of people to make him aware of his feelings . That is why Prashant was there to make him aware of his love for Aarti . The anti- hero at his best ! Yash needed help to even fall in love !! He could not rationale above his hearts need to take care of the future mother of his child , he felt that he was doing what he needed to do . Aarti does her own thing , makes her own decisions throws caution to the wind . Yash hesitates , needs guidance , relies on people , he follows better than he leads .
What was encouraging was the way Yash saw honesty in Aarti’s eyes when he looked at her childhood pictures and then at her . Yash’s biggest battle will arise when he has to listen to the many different opinions of the people who care or don’t care about him .
Bua is also plotting now . I feel the Pari matter will resurface soon .Bua may also have overheard Prashant and the witch’s conversation . This will be very interesting when it unfolds . I will tell you why .
What would Pratheik do when he learns of Pari’s unfaithfulness ? What would his family do ? Would he reject or divorce Pari ? Would the Schindia family be able to bear the shame ? Would they encourage him to forgive her ? If Pratheik accepts Pari despite her mistake , there will be more conflict for Aarti and Yash …
Both Yash and Aarti will reason on Pratheik’s ability to forgive such a horrible act . Aarti could feel the guilt that Prashant’s aunt will force on her for not forgiving her first husband . Yash will feel guilty about marrying her and taking her away from Prashant and may feel that Aarti should have waited . It could get very , very complicated yaar .
In the end it all depends on Ye Dil Hai . Only the the wisdom of the universe and their hearts can guide them .
December 23, 05:23Suni…I think my reply confused you instead of giving clarity. Let me explain in detail….
First thing….the writers never ever break their marriage or relation. And also don’t think that we are going to face more stress, Infact we are going to enjoy another interesting love story track apart from their complicated sorroundings. I said Prashand standing on the bright area with the photo only (that is past memory). But Arya were standing at the dark area which indicates their present life is dark. They both have the spirit & energy to make their life bright. So, please don’t doubt or confuse too much about their love.
Then, I have listed those points just to understand Yash’s future feelings and disappointments. I’m very sure he can’t leave Arthi even for a second (his conscience never allow him to do that) but at the same time he can’t express his feelings deliberately to Arthi just because of his selfless nature. As you stated earlier Yash can face the previous prashand easily rather this reformed prashand. He will support her the way she did; how she accepted Arpitha and waited patiently for him to come out from past. He won’t encourage her to say no to Prashand but he will die inside to get that no response from Arthi. Yes…the future plot will make us to cry by this handsome man’s brilliant acting….Be ready
Yes…you are correct Prashand is an anti-hero & yash is not a complete man. We have already discussed yash is a grown child emotionally. He is also a leader not a good follower but not well organised man. If he followed other’s opinion he might have come out of his tragedy without much struggle. And you always mentioned he accepted Arthi by forcing himself despite of stating he tried his best to get rid of his past illutions. I don’t believe he had problem to accept Arthi, since he got stuck with her at his first sight itself. You know, consciously he doesn’t aware of his conscience power.His conscience always guided him to do certain things but he is doing without acknowledging it’s existence
Suni….I’m insisting at one point continiously is yash’s love is more valuable and purified and intensive than Arthi’s love. But, he realised it recently and regreted for taking long period.
I think, Scynthia family will not come to know their problem as long as Arya solve their inner conflicts & triangle love story.When, yash become ready to solve or support the matter then the family problem will start.
Suni…..Not only for Arthi even Yash also rely upon the unborn baby only. I’m not sure what they are going to do with that kid….
I will continue later yaar….I need to go out now
December 23, 05:39We agree on many points Afreesh , it is just that we state things differently . I was just trying to follow the writers mind and I believe I confused you into thinking that it was my beliefs . Sorry yar . What I wrote before are my predictions of how the writers may think . The path they may follow to keep us in suspense . I am a 100 % believer in Yash and Aarti’s love . I agree with what you say dear … But I know the writers will take many twists and turns before getting to the point . ..
December 23, 07:00Afreesh , you know the baby’s name Ayu is kinda funny . We keep asking ” are you ” going to exist Ayu , in the outside world ? Are you Ayu going to unite your mom and dad forever ? Those writers will have a storm outside their doors if they destroy this baby we all accept as a symbol of Yash and Aarti’s love . They managed to save Ansh from pain , hopefully they will not harm the baby .
December 23, 08:04Suni….I don’t think they will give life to Ayu. If so, they can’t make 3 pin story and also Ansh & Arya sentimental story can’t be developed.
Even Yash’s family can’t create much problem if Ayu exist. That O.witch can’t do better job when there is a bond between Arya.
You know suni…actually the writters first time had done big favour to us by giving time through this 2 days, through which we mentally became ready for accepting the future plot. Now, we prepared ourself to any sort of decisions from yash.
I didn’t mention about your comment regarding the camera…when you become like Sj???…
Suni….Sj serious comments also making me to laugh yaar…you know what….she raises question as if the characters are just infront of her . then, the way she made budget regarding the expenses made by yash towards Deubey family even Maya never mentioned once…(ha..ha..ha…)
Suni…do you want to discuss any other topic. I’m thinking to start the jealousy & possessive nature of Yash through scenes and also I wanted to give a short description about Prashand character. If you want to continue let me know please..
December 23, 13:20Afreesh , so sorry yaar
. I thought that you would be out for the day so I didn’t come back to check if you had written . No problem we can start another topic .
I think that we work well together . I usually joke about serious issues when I an worried or tense . I feel like I am a combination of you and SJ . You always drag me back to rational thought when I stray and overreact SJ encourages my humour . We work well together .
Yes it is good that they gave us a break . Let us see what new , uncovered angle they come up with . I hope Ayu lives Afreesh , that baby was one of Aarti’s biggest blessings . But I don’t like the way he/she got conceived . And I keep thinking about Yash’s words that it is not like they can’t have another baby . Also all the stress on Aarti isn’t good for a baby to be healthy . This one worries me a bit yaar .
December 23, 13:27Yes SJ is very funny , she knows how these characters’ minds work . We can count on her to lighten our mood
December 23, 13:27Suni…I think you are busy now…let me start about Yash’s possessiveness and jealousy scenes
You stated Yash’s jealous part we didn’t see…No suni, When they were at Mumbai there were two scenes proven his jealousy feelings; Aman evidently proved to Arthi that he is very possessive about her, although yash acted in a classic way, his curiocity & special attention & decent intervention demonstrated his possessiveness. Similarly at playground he got furious at Arthi’s continious applauses to that boy who called him uncle and he expressed his irritated feelings expilicitly.
Yash always hide his emotions and feelings but his face talks more than his words…. In the earlier episode, When Arthi going to shoba’s house he found her on the corridor stuggling with flying currencies(At the first day of her re-entry to yash’s house)
While she rushed on her way (after his assistance at collection) without informing him anything…he stopped and asked her where was she going, the minute she said shobama house his eyes became wide for reason and then he wanted to drop her and also wanted to take her back from their house immediately. Throughout those scenes, I had observed his possessiveness & care on her. That’s why I always mentioned I didn’t see any difference on yash’s love towards her from begining to till date.
I wanted to quote the recent scence…he was standing on the road with closed eyes, after cleaning his eyes while she tried to leave on her way, he stopped her as if he never allow her to go away from him….(I enjoyed that scene very much) these are the script visibly described him regarding his possessive nature.
I think, the real reason behind yash’s rejection to know about her ex-husband might be his possessive nature. As you remarked with amusement, he is very happy at her dead ex-.
December 23, 13:42Afreesh , I know that Yash has jealous tendencies . I also observed them with Aman . But like you always say Yash is so innocent that I wonder if he lives either in denial of or non recognition of these feelings . Jealousy is a part of almost all love stories , but it is not necessary where there is absolute trust . Yash trusts in human nature . He never expects bad intentions . This is the naïveté that blinds him to certain dangers .
December 23, 13:46Yes Suni…I too didn’t like that ugly way of Ayu’s formation….Of course, Ayu will remind them for ever that bhang night & the assembled bitterly incidents…
Yes…you become master on humour nowadays…
Then.. Suni how is mum?
December 23, 13:54I will tell you yaar why I feel Ayu should survive despite all the hardships . The writers may seek to make Aarti’s choice between Yash and Prashant as equal as possible . This is something that they have done already . When Yash rejected Aarti’s love , for whatever reason even though he acted only out of his inner torment , he hurt Aarti deeply . When he refused to accept that they could ever become parents , he revoked her as a future mother to his child , just as when Prashant denied to accept Ansh as his son .
At present Prashant is willing to take her back despite her being pregnant with Yash’s child Prashant is portraying himself to be just as able to accept Yash’s child as Yash was to accept his . When Aarti has to choose , the options have to be equal . The deciding factor has to be her pure and overwhelming love for Yash , her soulmate .
December 23, 13:57Yes…this is what he believes…he lectured to Aman about the trust simultaneously he was watching on their conversation & activities curiously. He trusted her full heartedly but he can’t digest her closeness with someone.
Suni…don’t you think our understanding about this characterisation getting clarity day by day….
December 23, 13:58She has good days and bad days Afreesh . I can only but be here for her and do my duties as her daughter . She is resting now , she has body pains and doesn’t feel well . At times she is so normal , I continue to take the days as they come . Thank you for asking .
December 23, 14:00Yes Afresh , they seem to be more alive in our heads than on screen , lol . I don’t know if the writers even think as much
. I sometimes wonder if the writers know that we try to figure them out so intently .
December 23, 14:44Exactly Suni….this is what I wanted to explain regarding Prashand Characterisation…
Anti-hero is really nice man yaar….when he wake up from his dream he said I have to fetch Arthi & Ansh before they send them out. That’s why he went to meet her at home but he didn’t aware of that, there is no one at home and also he didn’t cough purposely. Once, she explained that she never have any trust or love on him, he might have returned if she didn’t fell sick. while pressurising her to eat apple he said ‘just eat it atleast for the sake of our baby’. So, mentally he is ready to accept that baby as his own. As you stated he has self pity on himself and confused about his feelings but he didn’t want to break her marriage by evil plan and all. Genuinely he felt bad when Arthi opened her big mouth towards yash.
You said it right about Ayu…but even Prashand is ready to accept her with Yash’s child, how could yash & his family be ready to send Arthi when she is carrying Yash’s child???…
December 23, 14:53It all very complicated . These characters will react from their various perspectives . Papa S has a lot of pride , but loves family unity . Gayatri , is prejudiced , but loves Yash . Pari must hold some loyalty , because Aarti saved her . Pratheik may be confused and blame her if he finds out about Pari before Aarti matter with Prashant ( he saw Prashant leaving ) But he will support her if he finds out before Pari’s indiscretion . . Vidhi may blame her for not fulfilling her duties as a good wife to Yash . Pankraj will damn her . Bua , will throw a party for sure and invite the other witch .
December 23, 15:03That baby is very important . But what if she loses the baby and Yash accepts her for herself ? Not because she is the future mother of his child , but because she is just Aarti despite her imperfections she is perfect in his heart . The Schindia family will eventually support her because of Ayu , but will they want her back if she loses the baby ? Yash will be forced to be guided by the universe towards Aarti , and he will have to stand against all that the others tell him . Another factor Afreesh is that Yash had wanted to name his and Arpita’s baby Ayu . Such a baby cannot exist . It doesn’t look very promising for the poor baby if we observe from this angle !
December 23, 15:15Suni….you became master of Sj….what happened to her….she couldn’t come out of frozen state…. I’m also thinking whether writers could think more than us????
Suni…. everyday I wanted ask about mum health but I hesitate just because of this general forum…., I think people don’t read much our weekly discussions. That’s why I got courage to ask , are you trying to make mum to forgive & forget the bad deeds of people. Is mum feel peaceful mentally???….it’s good thing normal state on some time atleast….
December 23, 15:29Yes….that’s what going to happen otherwise yash can’t think about sending the mother of Ayu to prashand….may be the next plot deal with the baby…..doctor told not to be tensed but she was always with tensions & worries then how come the baby be healthy….
There are many things makes me to feel bad about this baby formation…..by the way, yash has accepted Arthi not just because of the baby (we knew that) but Arthi might’ve not known…
Okey Suni ….I ‘ll go for taking rest yaar….
December 23, 15:30Yaar , I have spent my entire life trying to figure out my mom . She and I are of different worlds the way we think . I have a strong belief in horoscopes and the way it affects our personality . She carries the Zodiac sign of Cancer. I always try to understand her , but I don’t think that I will ever change her . She is a strong , stubborn personality . But I admire her for being herself and she is very wise and caring . I accept her as she is , she takes advice as criticism and I do not want to trouble her .
I know Afreesh , how you feel . I do not mind that you did not ask . Remember , I sometimes sense your thoughts so I know you care . So never worry about that .
December 23, 15:33Good night sweet dreams my friend
. I wanted to advise you to rest long ago , but I myself get involved in the PV plot to deeply sometimes and cannot rest , so I am equally guilty sometimes .
December 23, 15:55Yes Afresh I know that he accepted her despite that baby . That is why he said that there can be other babies . At that point his heart spoke loud and clear what his mind did not yet understand . It is just that the circumstances might confuse Aarti as that witch may use every angle to discredit Yash and Aarti’s love . She will highlight all their weaknesses .
December 22, 07:18egarly waiting for mnday epsode………
June 05, 17:59► 1:11► 1:11
December 22, 04:50Good morning Sun.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
I know you need my views more than ever…..but I couldn’t come out of the unexpected shock as like as yash …..I have very disturbed energy…..give me some time I”ll come up with fresh energy….
December 22, 05:36Yeah Afreesh , you are so very correct yaar !
December 22, 06:03You know what also troubled me greatly yaar ! The final scene with Yash standing in darkness with his back turned with a picture of Ansh and Aarti next to him . Yesterday was the Mayan world end prediction , the writers have a morbid send of humour showing this episode on the 21st :/ .
December 21, 21:32dude…….i dont want to see yash upset
December 21, 21:06Sorry Raji , that ” comment ” got sent accidentally
December 21, 21:45Its k. . .
December 21, 14:11Sj….I can sense it from here….you might have become frozen now…Yes, I agreee suni’s suggestion regarding the personal psychiatrist idea for Arthi. That P.psyct need to go with her everywhere and shouldn’t allow her to talk to anyone. You have always adviced her by your own dialogue how to talk to yash?
and how to talk to Prashand?…but she never listen to you yaar…
I was looking forward for this episode for her sensible & protective dialogue….as usual, she disappointed me…What nonsense she said…I loved you before but I tied with yash????
why tied????… Mrs.Arthi yash scyndiya didn’t you love him???…Didn’t you die to get his love???… Can’t you say I love Yashji like a God???…
Sj…she is hopeless yaar…
Suni……I think you are alright now….today,our doubts are also cleared regarding Prashand’s connection with Yash. I didn’t give up my faith on yash’s conscience pertain to Prashand as well as I didn’t lose hope on Prashand’s reformation.
Yes suni….your 3 pin strategy is right. I didn’t see angry at yash’s face it is shock and shock & only shock….
Sj….your yesterday’s serious comments also made me to laugh and laugh yaar…..how about your handsome enemy?….very sweet and cute yaar….
December 21, 15:16Afreesh don ‘t rub it in yar, my cute handsome friend, I will take ugly byt the faithfully one
My blood was frozen, I was worried abut Suni.
If we talk abut this episode, it was not totally arthi’s fault, arthi is a victim of circumstances
Arthi saw all Thus so call Parsant raise behavior, than she overheard, Dubeejee, you know Dubeejee still lying to SHOBHA that he was doing to control the situation.
Than wen ever inr left Parsant ai started to her to take ack Parsant.no one can see her good intention, not even yash, so wen arthi tec call and went t hotel she saw Parsant hiding behind t pilfer, and she did not now yash can d such a thng sh has no ndication
She got upset all over the station thinking Parsant is playing game
The only thing writter made her to use her wrong vocabulary , was no right thing t say I tied up with yash, she shoul say, I love him , yash is ansh father, and my husband he is my presen and my future, you get lost. I will never able to love hy ever ever again.
The thing is I feel bad arth s suffering, she can not even te moment, I tai was not there at least sh can enjoy to 30th. Yah she is doing to herself, but Dubeejee and SHOBHA making er feel obligated and emotionally blacking her, why woman hav to suffer all the time.
From husband, from boyfriend from in laws an forced by parents to suffer not to open mouth because now you have to protect family reputation.
You can se n every shiwm wan have to suffer I much
I do not thnk ths s a good story line , everything should be light and enjoyable in ths show
Seeing so much complication I even d not want to get marry yu alk remarry Zees
Such a beautiful arrangement , I was hoping yas and arthi will themselves n each other arm and will dance whole night without opening their eyes and will feel to of the world. Someone mention
Yash is going to divorce to arthi . You know if that happned, arthi should leave everything and become nun , that is more safe at least no one can hurt her.
Darn …
December 21, 15:53Yes Sj….I agree with you….she can become a nun instead of facing rejection from yash once again….. you know Sj …… I’m really worried for Arthi….yes, she irritated me many time, but she need support yaar….she deserves forgiveness & support from yash….
When she tolerated Yash’s madness & rejection all these days why don’t he forgive her this time…..let him be angry & let him be upset & let him keep distance but he should support her silently to come out from this dilemma…..
I hope….he will do it…..but again Arthi need to become clean & clear from her past memory & she should provide assurance to yash that she loves him only & she can’t love any one
December 21, 17:04Thank you so much Afreesh , SJ for the concern . I am so sorry to have worried you guys . I was tensed about today’s episode and I looked firstly at the pics and saw that last one with Yash . Yash looked so hurt , dejected , disappointed , sad and shocked . I couldn’t bear to look at his pain . I immediately felt guilty for ever wanting him to experience Aarti’s hurt when he rejected her love and support . I will never wish for such things for anyone again no matter what they do . They say be careful what you wish for , because you just might get it . That is too much for a man as honest , caring , kind , exceptional , amazing man like Yash to bear . He made his mistakes but he has made amends . Why such hurt for him ?
SJ , I know exactly how you feel . Why always women are the bad ones ?? Aarti to be blamed for everything . Now that Yash is dealing with his karma , Aarti is wrong again . Why is she always wrong ??? Is this the kind of society that we really exist in where women are the root of all evil . Even the bible blamed Eve for Adam’s mistake . It makes me upset that some women put down other women instead of being loyal they support the wrongs that men do . That evil witch did not hear when Shobha spoke about Aarti being abandoned by Prashant during her pregnancy . All she heard was that Prashant had a child ! That witch defended Prashant’s unfaithfulness and disregarded Aarti’s legal marriage to Yash . Is there enough place in hell for the many people who still think like her ???
I feel as though those writers cheated us today . They knew our expectation , but they disappointed our loyalty and will make us suffer till Monday . Everything was so beautiful , so perfectly romantic . Yash did it his way . Aarti and her big mouth ! Talking before she had enough time to think . Afreesh I don’t know why Prashant went to get that pic . Maybe he has some consideration for Yash . Maybe he has his own masterplan and this wasn’t the time to implement it . Maybe he is just as confused and mixed up like Aarti when faced with Yash’s innocence . Whatever the reason , this is one time I would not have minded if he didn’t listen to Shobha . Yash would have been less hurt with that pic , than he was by Aarti’s words .
December 21, 17:52Afreesh , do you realize that SJ has hit upon another brilliant point ! It is very true that no one gets to see Aarti’s good intentions . This is why her luck usually favors her . The universe is looking on . It supports her because it knows her good intentions . I am beginning to have more faith again because of SJ’s words . Aarti’s good deeds in the past will eventually help her through this situation .
SJ , excellent point yaar . Let us continue to hope for the best even in the worst of times . I hope that you are also better now dear .
December 21, 19:13We expected yash will very hurt, well I you love someone so dearly the other deserve a chance to explain, Suny like you said writter cheated on us.you are keep making us curious so we keep watching .does’t Parsant knows arthi s pragnent with yash baby. Why this oldy at says she does not except her marriage to yash , who the hell she is , I d not trust Dubeejee deep down he want to bring back arthi as Parsant wife. Again. So sad, where is the morality goes, such a selfish person dubeyjee is,forgot how much yash have done for them, his own son [did not do
Yash saved ansh life, sent ansh to private school, loved and gave everything to ansh as a father, when ever Dubeejee needed hm yash promptly was their for them, gave so much money for Parsant treatment, offer them. Stay with hm and with hs family.
Many time own children do that much. Beide ash how arthi is there for them foe every little thing and thank them trusted them . She is n orphan tha does no mean she does not have any moral character and she sold to you for rest. Her life. She should rase her voice against this woman wo at h victims fir these kn of passiveness.
I do no thin as shoud go fr divorce without giving arthi another chance.
Even arthi sad wrong thing unknowningly that he is a Arsabt not ash
She confess her love so many time to Yash, one time when ash was gong to boxing , she was screening and breaking things and said gusha mujeey be atta ha,may KHA karoo, I did not wanted to love anyone , I do not know how t happned and wen it happned .
Yash should be aware of ta and seeing honesty if her love he should not doubting at her about her love twars t him
As far as Arths lie, circumstances are matter too. Yash lied to his whole family about Paradhi sleeping with the producer, even still prateek des not knw, that is so bad
That is why I said why woman hav to be tested and judge all th time.
I feel shooting this oldy tai of Parsant when she sa to SHOBHA oh man’ s nature s to be wonder around woman to woman after all e comes home. Parsant or got wen he abanded his son yash saved his son,
How selfish Dubeejee is , you know even if someone says tank you to me , feel so overwhelmed and feel so greatful that someone thought of e being worthy
Whole episode was ain like we can not ave any ene episide without something crashed bang bank, pharma.ms be app how many headache and migraine pils are bein sold
December 21, 19:19Afreesh , do you think that Yash may suspect Aarti of having an affair with Prashant ? She said nothing to indicate that she was married to Prashant . I feel that Yash will leave and pretend he never heard and then his attitude towards Aarti will change without her knowing why or he may forgive her without her asking . I don’t know if the writers would spend all that time placing doubt in Yash’s mind to simply waste that plot . He was very weary of the detectives words . He never told Pratheik the truth . He never questioned Pari . He knows how much Pratheik loves her and he didnt want to break his heart . Can he himself bear such a feeling ??
Also he may be able to feel for a while what Aarti felt when Prashant was unfaithful . Aarti had to live with pretending that Prashant was dead . I think that it will be some time yet before he finds out that Prashant was her ex . I could be completely wrong of course . Just my mind trying to work out the writers angle henceforth.
December 21, 19:29SJ , your comments are so very , very correct and excellent yaar . You know despite all the writers do , we will be back on this forum on Monday
. We never give up on their characters even if we try .
December 21, 19:36SJ , I expected Yash to be hurt yes , but I couldn’t immediately face it when he actually got hurt . His pain seemed so real , not like acting . GC is so brilliant , he will make me cry if he cries . I never felt as sorry when he longed for Arpita as I do now that he has been disappointed by Aarti . .
December 21, 22:09Afreesh , I will tell you about the symbolism and hidden meanings I saw today on PV . When Shobha realized her mistake she immediately sent Prashant to save Aarti . Shoha is always trying to shelter Aarti from any harm, but though her intentions are all well and good , her methods are not honest and therefore not sustainable by the universe. Today was not a lucky day for neither Shobha nor Aarti . Shobha again tried to hide Aarti’s past , but ironically her past ( Prashant) caused her possibly ruin her future . Shobha sent Aarti’s past straight to her . . Aarti’s past literally raced , as Prashant rushed , to catch up with her . He was hidden from Yash , but visible to Aarti . Yash doesn’t know about Aarti’s past .
When Aarti picked up that one red balloon , that was am amazing symbolism . She stood there surrounded by White , the colour of purity . But she had picked up the one blemish amongst the pile , she is inherently honest , except for that lie . That baloon also represented Yash’s heart with a symbolic arrow showing her the correct way . She did not allow his conscience to be her guide . She did not trust him enough . She took to many chances and even the universe conspired to teach her a lesson . She saw Prashant clearly on the camera . Her past was before her but not portrayed as a physical presence , but more so in a virtual way . Her future stood in darkness in front of her in broad reality .
Prashant retrieved the photo before Yash could view it . He symbolically removed himself from the situation . The problem lies between Yash and Aarti . What occurred was brought about by her own hands . I am so concerned that twice she was unable to distinguish Prashant from Yash . On Dewali night she sensed his presence without the sight of Yash . Later she thought that Yash was playing with Ansh not Prashant , she recognizes him as the father of Ansh . But why didn’t she recognize Yash as the one being romantic . Why doesn’t she see him in this role ? How can she not sense Yash anymore ?? The answer can only be because she has not yet given that position to Yash .. She has not yet completely rejected Prashant from her life .
December 21, 13:35Afreesh , you guys , I can’t read this update ! I just read your comments and I am too stressed ! I will return later and read it . I am going to take deep breaths and watch something calming on tv . Later guys .
December 21, 14:22Suni…relax….relax…relax….Nothing happened yaar…anyhow the truth has to be revealed and she has to face the problem one day. Yes…it’s not a right time…we know Arthi’s angry never lead her to right path. I was eagerly waiting for the dialogue, but lost????
December 21, 13:34How romantic yash u r a great. . . Tere mere song, Latter way, violinist music, balloon way, aarti’s photo, disply to screen written i love u aarti totally very nice. But aarti has angry so all over end.
December 21, 13:32Really great shock for yash.yash and arti will do great job this serial.but this is a not situation to tell truph.anyway yash def forgive arti becoz yash love her.
December 21, 13:45Hi sundari, this s my best name sundari so hi.
Miss Unbeleivable
December 21, 13:27holy crap
this idiot should have waited until the guy turns around
like seriously arti now yash may never confess his love ever

December 21, 13:34Yes….it could be possible….
December 21, 13:24GREAT THOUGHT TO AARTI: “When you are the owner of your smile them no one can make you cry without your permission so keep smiling AARTI. I miss your smile and happy.
”Smile and sleep are the zero cost medicines for or worries.
So dont worry yash plz accept aarti
December 21, 13:20Oh no, So sad, yash face totally difficult reaction. yash happiness over. . . Aarti said truth but after what do yash?
# clearly not aarti said to yash andso aarti told half matter.
# oh aarti why you start, i loved u prasanth but now i am in yash. This words are make worry to yash heart.
#Mr.dubey , prasanth and sobha are halp to aarti. Dubey, prasanth and sobha done good job,
#Surely aarti tell truth to yash but it is not correct situation.
# i think aarti do great mistake. . . Truth said right choice but not right place.
# anyway plz yashji dont angry with aarti becaze aarti loves u. Aarti’s heart is truth. So agree and trust to aarti.
# plz aarti think and do anything.
# taaisaas is very bad
# aarti isnt accept prasanth. . .
GREAT THOUGHT TO AARTI: “When you are the owner of your smile them no one can make you cry without your permission so keep smiling AARTI. I miss your smile and happy.
”Smile and sleep are the zero cost medicines for or worries.
So dont worry yash plz accept aarti
December 21, 17:29There is a quote by Sir Walter Scott that is very applicable to Aarti’s predicament
” Oh what a tangled web we weave , when at first we practice to deceive ”
Aarti did not take control of the situation before . She neglected many opportunities for revealing that lie . But she left its revealation in the hands of a greater power than herself . She used all her luck before , now she will have to depend on the people she hurt to forgive her . I believe that she has done enough good deeds to expect some understanding . Do you think Raji , that Yash will pretend to not have heard her ? I am wondering about this .
December 21, 20:47Hi suni, today episode totally upset yeah. . I know punar vivah is a serial but my mind cannt accept, i think or my mind said it isnt serial, punar vivah is a real life so i have more feeling becaze i love yash and aarti’ character.
Today aarti said to 2lines dialogue very bad. That dialogue is once i loved u but now i tried to yash. What s this totally disappointment dialogue. Aarti not tried yash, she loves yash a lot. The writter written very dialogue.
Once upon a episode aarti said i love you yashji i love you yashji now where going this dialogue.
How yash accept the dialogue and aarti.
Aati’s truth open but yash’s heart broken.
December 21, 20:57Future episode Questions are:
# aarti tell truth clearly,
# yash will understand for aarti’s problem,
# yash accept the truth,
# or aarti leave yash’s life # or yash leave aarti’s life # yash have angry with aarti
# will what future?
December 21, 20:59Yes well said Raji , I also sometimes worry as though these characters are real .I question if I may need therapy for thinking so much about PV , lol . The writers are very clever though . They know exactly why they wrote those lines for Aarti the way they did .
Did you notice something odd on the cameras Raji . It was funny that the violinists continued playing although Aarti had left but it was downright odd that Aarti had taken the only red balloon with her but it was still there in the video ! A PV blooper . Those violinists cracked me up ! I want to hire them to perform for me one day , lol .
December 21, 21:03Raji , I have an odd feeling that Prashant himself shall one day reunite Yash and Aarti . There will most likely be a falling out between Arya , but I have faith that in time true love will prevail .
December 21, 21:05Comment
December 21, 22:02yes, i agree. . Aarti and yash r to fight and gain victory, be widespread, persuade one to do something. . . So wait and watch future episode.
December 21, 13:10What will happen?
December 21, 13:03So sad, yash face totally difficult reaction. yash happiness over. . . Aarti said truth but after what do yash?
#Mr.dubey , prasanth and sobha are halp to aarti. Dubey, prasanth and sobha done good job,
#Surely aarti tell truth to yash but it is not correct situation.
# i think aarti do great mistake. . . Truth said right choice but not right place.
# anyway plz yashji dont angry with aarti becaze aarti loves u. Aarti’s heart is truth. So agree and trust to aarti.
# plz aarti think and do anything.
# taaisaas is very bad
# aarti isnt accept prasanth. . .
December 21, 13:02Akhir chud hi gai na arti ki gand bhenkilodi ko prasant ka lund adjust nhi hua jo yash ka lund chus liya..
December 21, 12:58just got the news Yash to go for divoce and many twists more just wait..
December 21, 13:32Please…don’t play with our emotions unless you have true information.
December 21, 16:25Where did you got that yash is going for divorce, please tell now so. Can go an kill the writter before episode telecast
December 21, 12:48thank u updating soon but plz try more faster.
December 21, 12:41plez update fast yaar really need 2 c this
December 22, 13:16waiting for next episode