Amrit Manthan 16th November 2012 Written Update
Amrit Manthan 16th November 2012 Written Update by saveeta24
Shivangi got saved with the interrogation of Tej.Nimrit as Agam came in the room…both leave and Agam tells her he will bring dinner ..Shivanghi is guilt conscience and says i have to be rude with such a good person..
This scene really made me say you are an angel good hearted..even after all hinting shivangi can be linked with terrorist ,she tells Tej her heart cant believe it.If shivangi doing it she must have a majboori..a helplessness..tej says you still believe her.Nimrit says shivangi is not like that there must be something and we must find out..
Agam brings food in her room.chilli sauce..paratha and dahi which Nimrit loved to eat..Agam tells how she loved chilli sauce and doing a smiley on the paratha..Shivanghi says i dont remember about it..just then amrit enters and She has to do her acting though hating it..she ends up being really rude to agam..He leaves from there and once more the one and true love is there to console him..nimrit..they have a heart touching convo.Nimrit tells him to remember all those beautiful moments..the dhaba..When she was teaching you she was laughing when doing smiley on the paratha.Agam shocked and asked her how you know about that when Nimrit herself dont remember it..Nimrit made an excuse that sunitaji told her about it..Really Agam starts using your brain and get the ishara ..sign Nimrit always gives you in her talks that she is your Nimrit..
Amrit ..yug convo joking about Nimrit..Yug tells her where is she she dead somewhere?.Amrit says how i wish and continues she must be in some mandir banging her head as i have closed all doors for her..just then shivangi comes down and not liking their convo..Agam comes in and Yug says yeh lo bhagwan bhi aa gayaa..Agam tells shivangi he went to mandir for their happiness and the babaji gave thread to tie in her hand..shivangi not liking it but Agam puts it in his hand and goes from there…yug joking again that no need to watch movie as everyday there is a show here..gosh he is too much this guy with his one liners.shivangi tells Amrit i wont do al this ..Amrit says of course you wont as this thread is for Agam’s wife meaning me..
Tej.Nimrit on the look out of the guy called kabir but hit and miss situation..they keeps on searching..
Amrit about to tie the thread in her hand when sunitaji snatched it from her hand..she is very angry towards shivangi to side with Amrit knowing how evil she can be..Amrit continues her drama as sunitaji calls Agam..Shivangi ends up being very rude to Agam’s mom…Amrit happy and poor Agam tells shivangi so calmly dont be rude with his mom .He takes his mother upstairs and asked forgivenesson behalf of forgive her..his mom says i’m fine ..dont worry..a sweet convo of mother..son..she raised his spirit telling him that noone can love Nimrit as you do and she knows know its all Rab doing and what you see is not always the dont worry about it just listen to your heart..
Tej..Nimrit finally comes face to face with kabir.he tries to ecape but Tej caught him ..Nimrit gets his papers and shows itto Tej as it was the list of prisoners in the cross border jail..Tej points his pistol at him and asks him which terrorist they are planning to get away from jail..kabir tells him its not a terrorist but shivangi bro..Nimrit.tej shocked and he continues what about the 30 lakhs..why so much money..just then gayatree diverts a car deliberately and Tej leaves kabir to save Nimrit..Kabir escapes from there..
Shivangi in her room saying i love you a lot veerji..bro and will do anything for you..she gets a call from gaytree and angry as Tej..Nimrit has come to know about her mission..the door opens and Tej.Nimrit stared at her..
precap Tej interrogating kabir and threatening him..