Punar Vivah 05th October 2012 Written Update
Punar Vivah 05th October 2012 Written update by Rimjhim
Scene 1:
Location: Bus station
The episode starts with ansh getting shocked seeing arti unconscious when he turns back.He urges arti again and again to get up but she doesnt open her eyes.he says he is getting scared.Just then he hears the bus sirening for the passengers to return.Ansh gets evry scared.Seeing every body getting on the bus and the bus getting about to leave,he runs towards the main road but the bus leaves by then.he starts crying on the road wondering what will happen now.He goes back to her and tries to wake her up by spilling water on her from his mouth when he fails at getting it through hand.When even then she doesnt wake up,he is wondering what to do,whn h hears the siren of an approaching car.

Yash is approaching that spot talking to somebody saying that he is reaching the first stop for dehi bound bus.he crosses the spot before ansh could catch up but he recognizes his car and shouts for him but in vain.He then stops the next car and asks the person to save his mother and that their father is not with them and he needs to save his mother.The man agrees and looks at the woman and recognizes her to be arti.The man turns out to be prashant who remembers the last conversation h had with arti who had begged him to take her back but he had insulted their relation and her and walked out on her despite her crying and bgging not to do so.
Scene 2:
Location: In the hospital
Prashant and ansh are taking hr to the hospital.She is murmuring yashji all the while.The docotr takes over fromt he operation theater and asks him to fulfill the formalities.he then interacts with the kid who he had once called arti’s illegitimate child.when the nurse is filli g up the form,and he tells arti’s deatils,she asks if h is her husband ,he is silenecd and taken back to the day his second wife moved out of the house after giving him a taste of his medicine where the same treatment is meted out to him who comes acros as a needy,clingy,desperate partnr trying to grab the relation and his wife behaving in the same manner that he had behaved with arti.he jolts back to reality and starts playing with ansh who tells him that they are friends now since he saved his mother’s life.He says he likes him like his father as he also loves him very much.He demands to know if he knows his father’s no.When ansh says he doesnt,he is in a fix as to how to contact her husband.
Just then he is called by the doctor who assuming him to be th husband gives him the news that his wife is pregnant. Prashant is shocked to hear this.
Scene 3:
Location: Lalitpur Bus station
Yash is informed by the conductor that he searched but could not find arti and tells him to wait for another bus bound to delhi for searching.
Scene 4:
Location: Arti’s house
Arti’s mother is super concerned about arti but her father seems preoccupied.She reprimands him for this behaviour,he says that he is worried but there is no use worrying as he has the faith that yash would find her.He says that he has to deposit some bills and starts to leave but slips almost making the documents fall on the floor and she seeing that they are not bills but some of prashant’s documents.he reprimnads him for lying for him,and he tries to make her undrstnd that he is trying to help his son otu in trouble but she refuses to biudge in on her descision of having severed all contacts with him.She hands the document to him and leaves.
Scene 5:
Location: Bus station and arti’s house
Yash calls up arti’s mother to ask her if he knows anybody in lalitpur whwre arti could have gone,as she is nowhere to be found on bus or auto stands,she replies in the negative.he says that he would keep searching for her and cancels the phone.Meanwhile she gets prashant call trying to tell her about arti but she refuses to hear anything and instead rebukes him for calling them still.When she cancels,he thinks to himself that he knew this would happen and is worried now how to inform them about arti.Meanwhile yash is looking at her photo and wondering why did she leave like this without even giving him a chance to explain or rectify his mistake.He approaches prashant who is looking into his cell phone both oblivious of each other’s identity.And its shown that arti is lying on a bed right in front of them but yash cant see.The screen freezes on her face.
Precap: Arti’s mother is telling her father that she would never accpet prashant in her life after forgiving him and would never let him come anywhere near her son.Meanwhile,ansh is being cajoled by prashant in the hospital.
very nice
October 06, 08:24hai
October 06, 07:57why why why ??? now when yash is coming back in aarti her life then there is a new twist ” OMG allways there is a stupid twist ..but still i love this serial <3<3<3
October 06, 03:22Arti decision is meaningless…She doesnot think about palak,payal future.
Prashant enter is meaningless…
Unbelivable scene r happened easily in this serial….
Punar Vivah
October 05, 15:48What is this? Brining Prashant into this show is meaningless, stupid, and too soon. Why does he have to come in? Just unite Aarti and Yash then bring in this loser if you need to. Prashant is done! PLEASE PRODUCERS BRING IN AARTI AND YASH PLEASE!! We waiting way too long for this to come….. If this starts for another two weeks, im done with Punar Vivah.
October 05, 14:47Yes. I agree with u my friend. The director is crazy……mad…. To. He is trying to dragging the story. Pls stop mr.director.
The story should move as such where prasanth already help arti and after that that’s all. Yash ji should find arti ji and he should take care of her and the story should move on that way. No more prasanth in arti ji life. Hope u understand
October 05, 15:50Just too mch ….. Nw dis is too mch boring…..
October 05, 14:27okie….from 2day onwards finvlly im going 2 stop watching dis show…..
i liked dis show bcos of its unique storyline…..but after pvrshant’s entry as a re-formed man has made dis show just lyk common serials….
hw can parshant rectified aftr 7 yrs nd hw can she forgive him….
dis show was a beautiful show which was giving a social ms to the society…..
bt nw no more reality has been left in dis show……
so gog 2 stop watching dis show…..bby PV…….
it's the limit now !
October 05, 14:23yaar sotp bringing new problems between arya ..
fst arpita
then aman
and now prashant
October 05, 14:22Plz update fast!! All I can say is that the producers and directors of punar vivah are mad!! How can thet bring prashant in now??? They should reunite yash and aarti n let her have the baby n all n then bring this idiot in! By that time arya’s relationship will be way too strong for prashant to break!!
October 05, 14:13Why sOoOo long to update???
miss unbelievable
October 05, 14:12I can say this…Im so tired of Ansh crying and begging! This child has been through so much already! We need to call child services or something He’s been abandoned abused and now he’s beggng?
Everytime Ansh goes through pain and tears my heart hurts it makes me want to cry. Ansh is a real soldier (and the best child actor i’ve ever seen)
Prashant you left Arti for some Hussy Gold-digger now she’s leaving you! I can say this no woman wants you because even Arti has move on. Damn you got woman issues for real!
Now more karma you see your son and now Arti is pregnant! KARMA! Ansh calls Yash papa and not you, you selfish bastard and it HURTS LIKE HELL! KARMA! Your 2nd wife left you for another man! KARMA!
Yes Yash suffer and beg for Arti but
AND ITS TOO SOON for Yash to know about Prashant
My God give some breathing space for us let ARYA unite then bring in that loser!
I swear the producer is on crack like seriously on crack or something!
If its meant to be please let Yash support Arti even though Prashant exist we can blame everything on the father!
October 05, 14:08Lol…This is really funny! How can you introduce Prashant when Arti is preg with Yash’s kid? Omg!! What are they trying to show….but one thing is that I can’t stop laughing!!
October 05, 14:00hw cud prashant entr again into d story..??meaningless.!!
October 05, 13:59do fast
October 05, 13:58Plz be fast..!!!
October 05, 13:58Pls update fast
October 05, 13:56this is one of the shows that i love to watch..but now it is just like the others..
Wowoooo!!! it's boring who's the director i am gona kill him
October 05, 13:55Wast serial
October 05, 13:53I Think that prashanth had changed and asks aarti to accept him….Then the story starts again among yash-aarti-prashanth…
October 05, 13:49The best thing is for the producers to re-unite Arya and to stop just dragging the story.
October 05, 13:46omg!!!!!!!!!!.this is too much dragging.
October 05, 14:07It is too soon that Yash find out that she is a divorce woman.
October 05, 13:45dragging of the story started again..
October 05, 13:44I think the dragging of the story starts again..
October 05, 13:42I think the dragging of the story starts again….!!!
October 05, 13:41I think the dragging of the story starts again………………..!!!
October 05, 13:37bullshit…I am soo gonna stop watching the show now
October 05, 13:36bullshit I am so gonna stop watching this show now
October 05, 13:36Pls update fast.