Saath Nibhana Saathiya 4th October 2012 Written Update
Saath Nibhana Saathiya 4th October 2012 Written Update by Soujanya
Everyone appreciates kinjal saying food is excellent. Urmi taunts kinjal, everyday we will be giving false appraisal and have food. Koki says, I know she is my daughter but you should teach kinjal how to cook. Kinjal says, fui first eat later you can teach me. Urmi gives a tough look. Rashi and gopi take out few blankets from the cupboard and leave but a saree left near the cupboard. Koki comes there for urmi and finds a brinjal color saree and doubts that she has seen it some where. Koki remembers that this saree is same who has insulted her. Urmi and rashi come there, so koki yells and asks to tell the truth that she was trying to trap her. Rashi gets nervous and tells, this saree was brought by my father to mummy. Urmi says yes. Jitthu has brought it from Surat. Urmi asks to recall whether that lady was fat like her. Koki recalls and says no. she wasn’t fat. Koki leaves from there. Rashi appreciates urmi for her acting.
Hetal and all will be arranging beds to sleep. Gopi comes there and asks urmi whether she can prepare halwa for every one. But bha pulls her leg saying if you want to prepare halwa for your husband then you can go ahead. Gopi blushes and ahem smiles at bha and gopi. Kinjal asks gopi to prepare halwa using lots of ghee in it. Urmi gets angry and asks gopi that she would prepare halwa for everyone. Koki scolds kinjal to go and help urmi. Kinjal gives dry fruits and taunts urmi to put all these dry fruits and make a delicious halwa for her family. Urmi prepares halwa uninterested by making sounds. Koki comes to kitchen and requests urmi not to make sounds while preparing halwa. Urmi gets irritated. Ahem puts all the bed sheets for gopi. Rashi tells jigar that they would sleep in urmi’s room as there are many mosquitoes outside. Koki comes there and asks where gopi is sleeping. So ahem replies gopi cant sleep on the floor. Koki requests urmi to let ahem and gopi sleep in her room. rashi and urmi feel bad but agrees. Urmi says jigar and rashi to sleep in the kitchen. While bringing the mattress from one room to other urmi couldn’t balance it and the mattress fall down. So koki scolds kinjal to help urmi. Kinjal makes excuse that she has back pain. Urmi also taunts kinjal saying yes everytime I ask to do some work she gets pain. Finally ahem says he would help urmi.
Urmi wakes up bcoz of mosquitoes. Urmi finds everyone are sleeping and all the coils are finished. She slowly goes to kinjal’s room and brings her coil. Urmi puts beside her bed and sleeps. Kinjal wakes up as mosquitoes bite her. Kinjal comes out and takes away her coil to her room. urmi comes behind kinjal and scolds for bringing the coil. Urmi says its mine. Now you brought all your family members here. Again you asked to prepare halwa. Kinjal again taunts, you have warned me that you will give my room for rent na. that’s why I was torturing u. All modis wake up. Urmi yells, your family itself have left you alone. I was the one who married u with dhawal and brought u to my home.
October 05, 01:31so boring
October 05, 01:31so boribg serial
if expose rashi and urmila mistakes it was very intersting
if not please end this serial
October 04, 23:59It is boring.dont waste our time.Always kalakari what is this nonsesnce.
October 04, 17:43OH NY GOD…How will will this boring show go on ezprecially with the retarded new gopi..
Nunya Beexwack
October 04, 17:42Bullshit… rashi just end the fuckin show
senzi ngema
October 04, 14:55They should end this show, its all about Urmi’s and Rashi’s antics. Who goes to someone’s house steal pickle, forge documents and infest a house with bees, don’t they lock their front doors at night…
October 04, 12:04🙁
October 04, 12:03I now
October 04, 12:02Just soo boring