Pavitra Rishta 19th September 2012 Written Update
Pavitra Rishta 19th September 2012 Written Update by –.NArESh.–
Written update:
Part 1:
Episode starts with archu tells ovi wht r u doing? Why r u throw my sarees? Archu sees one saree she take that saree. Ovi ask wht happen. Archu says this saree is very spl for me She tells manav gave me this saree then so many thing but this saree is very spl for me. Ovi get emotional to listen wht archu told her. Archu sees ovi face & she is slightly upset then archu ask to her wht happen? Ovi tells that u & baba love each other so much. She tells me & arjun…!! Archu says everything will be fine soon u should try to handle u r relation. Then archu understand her both r smiles. Frm hall Manav calls archana. Archu & ovi comes out frm room. Manav introduce to archana the ganpati decoration organisation. He says they will decorate the ganpati pandal. One person ask manav that wht is u r buget for ganpati celebration. He tells near about 55 lakhs. He tells i want to wear ganpati murti. with so many jewellary. Then the organisation member goes out frm deshmukh house. Archu & manav come in their bedroom. Archu tell u want to do many things to in this ganpati festivals. She tell nw me & aai do rangoli. Manav stops archu & tells her that savita will nt paticipate in this ganpati festival & i also want to she nt attend the festival. Archu says manav that if our relatives r nt there in festivals so how we celebrate festivals. She tells this is right chance to go closer to our relatives.
Part 2: at night sulochana & purvi doing preparations to celebrate ganpati festival. The door bell rings& sulochana go to open door. Manav at the door he tells I know how I collect hope to come here bcoz what my mother did? How I come here. Sulochana invite to come in. sulochana tells I want to tells one things u told in arjun-ovi receptions. (flashback scene between manav & savita manav told her that Everyone moved on but I couldn’t live.. I couldn’t move on that dialogue) She tells then I realise that u & archana should be reunite. She tells I don’t forgot 18 years. Manav tells I will give back 18 years happiness to archana. Purvi tells I will make tea for both og u. manav stop her & says 2mrrow in my house we celebrate the ganpati festival. So I want to u come in my house.Manav says to Purvi that Just like Ovi and Teju got their mother , I want you also to be with your family .Please be a part of my family and move in with us.Purvio looks very surprised but Sulochna has a smile on her face .. Sulochana tells in my house also ganpati bapa come so I can’t come but I will send purvi & aniket there. He tells u called me baba. purvi tells now I got my full family. she tells I can’t come with u bcoz when I come in u r house then who will care the sulochana? sulcoahan tells purvi to go but purvi refuse. purvi tells i will sure come to celebrate ganpati festival after ganpati pooja ends here. manav happy to hear this.
Part 3: At hotel room varsha says how police hit to u without any reason? vishnu tells varsha that purvi save me from police. she hear this & says purvi archu tai beti. vishnu ask her how u know about purvi? she tells purvi deshmukh na so i know about her. he tells i met purvi mother & manav. manav slapped to me. varsha ask why did u went in mandir? he tells i went to hidden me from police but manav slapped me. vishnu tells now 2mrrow is ganpati festival if we will now in our village we should celebrate the gapati festival. varsha tells here in mumbai ppl are celebrate ganpati festival hugely. At moring varsha & vishnu walking. he tells we are not get any ganpati murati here. he tells varsha u r tired now u plz stop here. suddenly manav, archana, teju, sachin, damodar come. sachin take ganpati baapa murti. they are goes to their house. varsha sees & she tense & says to herself that why destiny always meet me to archana & manav.
Precap: at outside in sachin hands ganpati baapa murati is there. he suddenly get slip but vishnu come & he put his hands on ganpati baapa murati. he save to fall down ganpati baapa murati.(Statue) all are looking at vishnu.
arvi fannzz
September 20, 01:36plzzzzzzzzz updade some pics
September 19, 23:11Boring episode….too slow..want something happening…brg back Arjun Purvi…even if Ovi becomes good..we want to see ARVi…how can one fall in love again n again?If arjun n ovi setteles dwn then it is called as compromise not love…
rk madhubala fan
September 19, 23:06I am now officially sick and tired of Ekta’s ongoing crap that is in her head wich she puts in her serials.
Now I know why people say that blood is thicker than water. When Ovi was sad Archana tried everything to cheer her up but now when it’s Purvi she just went to her family who treated her like crap for the past 18 years. She just forgot the people (Sulo tai and Purvi)who always stood by her. To me it seems that Archana just used Purvi for the past ‘athara saal’ as something to keep her busy and now that she got what she wanted she just left.
And how much digusting can this serial get. How in the *gaali* ‘s name can a brother and sister get married. Purvi calls Sachin dada right? Even thou Archana isn’t Sachin’s real mom. Then obviously Soham/ Vishnu is her brother right? In one word DISGUSTING!!!
Ekta is just making a mockery out of marriage!!! Ekta ‘maam’ just because you didn’t (maybe never will) find true love doesn’t mean it does not exist so quit pouring out your frustrations on love in ur serials. Even thou they are your serials don’t forget that you will not earn a penny if we don’t watch it. (Most of )the people just want 1 simple thing and that is for our dear Arjun and Purvi to reunite.
P.s: I hope this goes into that thick skull of yours.
September 19, 21:17we r not anymore interested in archana manava romance n patchup secenes…we have watched this 4 3yrs…we want our dear Arjun and purvi back …we want their romance back into the screens…they look so good..made 4 each other…chemistry was superb…we have fallen in love with the magic created by Arvi…..but our miss ekta has something else to say..she likes to seperate the people so much in love…n creating a mess of all the relations…nw d latest news that vishnu marrying purvi…hw marrying sister..ban the soap..
September 19, 17:27I agree with arvi…. That person has some real messed up english so embarasssing , shameful and disgraceful…. As for me…. Hi i’m new my name is Cassidy from New York baby and i speak fluent English….. Watch and burn….. Envy me….. That is if u coolie(indian) people understand these words
September 20, 09:50uuuuu rrr soooooo irritating >:o
September 19, 17:20THIS IS CRAP
September 19, 16:52I guess ARVI is no more, it seems everyone has happily accepted the fact that ovi and arjun are married. Don’t want to watch this series anymore.
September 19, 15:32@arvi: y dnt u check ur eng first.. jst read ur own comment and check out ur mistakes then judge someone else.
September 19, 19:31if u r referring to me, let me just tell you that i dont give a bloody awful english like the writer… and for god’s sake… no one is perfect… maybe i do a little mistake here and there… but the writer? come on? how about you? u went to google up “how to write a proper english” and came here with the best english u have? god bless you than… by the way, before judging others, look at yours first aite… have a nice day whoever you are… this special dedication is for you…
September 19, 14:55archu tells ovi wht r u doing? Why r u throw my sarees? Archu sees one saree she take that saree. Ovi ask wht happen. Archu says this saree is very spl for me She tells manav gave me this saree then so many thing but this saree is very spl for me hehehe………..
Arya fan
September 19, 14:53Nobody is trying 2 get purvi n arjun 2gathr but why?hope soham will do it.aisa na ho ki woh dono manav n archu ki tarah 18 sal ki bad mile.plz ekta dont do dis.
September 19, 14:50What about Purvi & her happiness ? Jo ki Sirf or sirf Arjun k saath hai .
September 19, 14:45hmmm……….. heard dat soon purvi gonna marry vishnu n evrythng gonna b gud bw arjun n ovi …………. hell ekta……….
September 19, 14:22If u cannot appreciate someone’s effort for writing the full update for u then y don’t you guys go and watch the episode urself..The writer is not here to serve u..So just cut ur fucking english crap and better stop reading the writen updates..loosers!!
happy :-)
September 19, 15:00One should appreciate nly those things whch r worth appreciating…..
happy :-)
September 19, 15:03It may happen tht writer may take it seriously and improve his updates or another thing tht may happen is some deserving person will get chance……
happy :-)
September 19, 13:59Seriously this is worst english update i had ever read…
Stop writing updates dude….
happy :-)
he tells varsha u r tired now u plz stop here. suddenly manav, archana, teju, sachin, damodar come. sachin take ganpati baapa murti. they are goes to their house. varsha sees & she tense & says to herself that why destiny always meet me to archana & manav.
September 19, 13:48hey guys……
i thnk now ekta kapoor has dne engh mess….
she shud seriously cmplete d serial rather den dragging it….
without arvi together d serial has lost d trps n will frthr loose mre trp….
September 19, 13:34My fave line- “i want to wear ganpati bappa murti with lots of jewellary” LOL
September 19, 13:29Guys! PV has reached the 6th position! Please dis is a very nice show, it should be no.1 !
September 19, 13:31lol… in ur dreams… they dont deserve the number 1 ranking after what they have done…
happy :-)
September 19, 14:18Diya aur bati hum is only the which deserves no. 1 position….
September 19, 14:27@ arvi well said yaar!!! the show is draaaaaaagggggggggging like anything!!! YAWNING!!!!
September 19, 13:21God doesn’t help a person who don’t even put the effort. So should we start accepting Ovi – as at least she is trying to win Arjun’s heart?
Purvi seems bent over the sacrafice and Arjun has no spine to go out and tell everyone his marriage suks with Ovi and they should expect any grandkids.
If Manav and Archana stand so much for the “right” and “pavitra rishta” and you can’t force love on someone – then should understand Arjun and Purvi. Why they are ignoring this issue leaves me wondering about their character. Are they selfish?
Anyway this show is becoming dumber and dumber every day and exposing Vishnu aka Soham won’t even save this show.
Ekta and the writers messed up this show bigg time when it came to Arjun and Purvi.
And seriously I have started liking Ovi more and more. At least she fight for what she wants and as they “everything is fair in love and war”. I have started to hate Purvi because of her qualities of self sacrafice. It has become really annoying!
September 19, 13:24I mean that “they shouldn’t expect any grandkids”
September 19, 13:14What is the writter saying plz???? I can’t even read a single line.
September 19, 13:12my god… how worse can someone English be? seriously if you can described the whole serial than dont! dont come and embarrass yourself with this awful english of yours… pavitra rishta u can just change it to pavitra comedy… haizzz…
September 19, 13:19he save to fall down ganpati baapa murati…
(lol…love this line…haha…)
September 19, 14:04Tht was rele mean…appreciate the effort they r trying to put into it.