Kundali Bhagya 15th March 2024 Written Update
Kundali Bhagya 15th March 2024 Written Episode
Karan wishes the doctor who asks him to come and sit down questioning how did he come here right now because he thought Karan would come in the night, karan replies he felt like coming at the night moment when the doctor mentions he found some very interesting things and so asks if karan remembers when he told karan to not make Preeta remember anything from her past, he explains if they create the situations from her past then it would surely help her regain the memory, Karan asks if it puts pressure on her brain, the doctor advises him to make sure she forgets about that moment as when the brain is diverted then it would not be pressurized.
Rajveer stops his bike and then thinks of showing the reports to the doctor as then it would help him find out about the health of Maa, he suddenly turns back thinking that someone is following him, Rajveer stops seeing karan so asks what is he doing here, Karan says that he came here with the reports of Bani Dadi but what is Rajveer doing, he replies he had to take something from here listening to which karan leaves. Rajveer once again wonders why is feeling that someone is following him, the person comes from behind the auto and he calls Mr Khurana saying that he was right that something is going on here and so he will give all the news regarding him, Mr Khurana exclaims he had to hire a private detective because of the behavior of Rajveer and the matter concerning was that even Karan Luthra was present in the hospital.
In the night Palki is cooking while constantly thinking about the sudden change in the behavior of Rajveer, she gets a call and answering it is amazed to hear Preeta, Palki informs she gave the tiffin to Rajveer in the morning when Preeta asks how is everyone there and Rajveer, Palki assures they all are fine, Preeta requests Palki if she would help her, explaining that Rajveer would be very restless as she takes care of him and he is not habitual of it so she wants to ask if palki would take care of him, Palki assures she will always support him, then Preeta says she should even take care of herself and palki says that Preeta je must also take care, she replies she would come back as soon as she gets the chance. Palki is worried.
Karan while driving the car thinks what the doctor told him that they can recreate things from their past to re jock her memory, karan thinks if this is a safe way then he can do it tonight but which situation can he use, he remembers the night when they got trapped in the Haveli so thinks he can once again recreate the Haveli, karan wonders from where can he bring the Haveli however he realizes that the important thing is that the Haveli was dark, he plans to re create the entire situation so it is possible that she might regain her memory.
Rajveer and Mohit both run back after throwing the onions in the oil, Mohit yells at Rajveer for putting water when they stop after the oil goes own, Palki questions what are they both doing as this is their kitchen and she asks them to leave but they both assure they can do it all, Palki asks him to go out, Rajveer explains they can even clean it, Palki replies his mother called asking her to take care of the kitchen and him, but she says she can cook the dinner for them in the absence of Preeta e and Gurpreet masi, Mohit explains they have cut the vegetables and done it very nicely, Rajveer hesitantly explains they can help her but Palki orders the to get out of the kitchen.
In the night Garesh opens the door when karan enters but he sees Preeta standing so wishes her saying he came back from the office , Karan informs he talked with the doctor who said that they should give Dadi a stick, Preeta gets a bit stunned hearing it when karan mentions it is entirely her decisions, Preeta agrees explaining she wants to make Dadi independent, karan feels a bit tensed when preeta asks what happened, he replies if they donot listen to the doctor then how would she go to the store room so Preeta asks what did he mean, he says that the stick is in the store room and can she bring it as he thought that he will wash himself and can she bring it from the store room, he asks if she would not get scared when Preeta replies she is not scared of the ghosts, Karan remember how Preeta screamed the night when they got trapped in the Haveli.Preeta asks Garesh for the directions to the store when Karan calls Garesh to him before seeing Preeta away, he asks Garesh how is he looking and so sends him away, karan thinks he can use the back side window to reach before Preeta.
Karan umps from the window when he is shocked seeing Preeta coming and so quickly takes the fuse to turn off the lights, Karan then stands holding the white cloth, Preeta is stunned for a moment wondering what is this thing as she got scared, she thinks this cannot be a stick as it is very small, karan smiles standing behind Preeta before going to close the door, preeta gets conscious so Karan is shocked, she thinks where did the thing go which was standing right here, she thinks it means there is surely a ghost here. Preeta is standing when karan moves, so she turns back in shock but he hides from here. Preeta is pointing the light and hesitantly calls the ghost, she thinks this means Kavya was telling the truth but vows she is not scared of the ghost, she calls the ghost warning him to not try and scare her as se can end his life as a ghost, preeta while reciting the Mantar sees the hockey stick which she picks up in her hand, karan is slowly walk behind the rack, Preeta thinks there is a thief he and so she vows to not leave him, she sees the person from the back side and then slowly coming behind him prepares to hit him with the stick and he starts screaming, karan tells Preeta it is him, he says she broke his back by hitting when Preeta asks what is he doing here, Karan says he came here to help her but she broke his back, Preeta replies she thought there was a thief, she apologizes to him and asks what is she doing with the hockey stick, Preeta replies she thought there is a ghost at first then felt like there is a thief. Karan asks if he found the stick, an says they both should search for it together but he hits the rack causing the white powder to fall in his eyes, preeta starts blowing it due to which Karan keeps standing there, she then warns the corner of her saree but starts staring at karan after noticing how he is looking at her. Nidhi walking past the store room stops to look at them both, Preeta quickly turns away but is very nervous and acts as if she is still trying to search for the stick, Karan smiles looking at her but then turns to see Nidhi standing at the door crying and she leaves so Karan quickly goes out of the store, preeta gets shocked after which is a bit worried.