Doosri Maa 4th October 2023 Written Update
Doosri Maa 4th October 2023 Written Episode
The episode starts with Yashoda breaking down remembering her children. She questions god why did he he make her a woman, what shall she do now without her husband. Ashok’s guru walks to her and says she should have some patience. He says sadhu society doesn’t force anyone to become a sadhu, it’s an individual’s choice to become a sadhu. Yashoda asks what about a woman who needs her husband, children who need their father, parents who need their son. Guru says Ashok hasn’t become a complete sadhu yet, he will come to her door once begging, and if she doesn’t give him charity, he can’t become a complete sadhu; it’s up to her now whether she will let Ashok go or hold him. Yashoda says she already took a decision, she would rather die than giving charity to Ashok; Ashok can’t build a sadhu world for himself after destroying her martial world. She goes to a roadside tea shop and buys tea.
Krishna buys grocery for home. Shamshera joins him. Yashoda calls him. Shamshera gives phone to Krishna. Krishna picks call and asks if she met Ashok. Yashoda says she met him, but he doesn’t want to return home and took dhiksha. Krishna is shocked and asks what does that mean. Yashoda says it means Ashok is gone from their lives forever. He asks her to convince Ashok and bring him back home. Yashoda says he is determined not to return home and asks him not to inform his grandparents and sisters about it as she will return home tomorrow and will explain them in her own words. Krishna asks how is she. Yashoda ignores his questions and asks how is his grandparents, sister, shop, etc. Krishna says they are all fine and asks again how is she. She says she is fine and disconnects call. Shamshera thinks why Ashok is so bad and rejected such a good family to become a sadhu, he can never be happy. Krishna asks him not to curse Ashok, let him be happy wherever he is.
Babuji tells Astha and Nupur that he will scold Ashok once he returns tomorrow. Nupuru says he shouldn’t scold Ashok, they will request him to stay back forever. Babuji agrees. Krishna returns home with Shamshera. Amma asks Shamshera if he got Yashoda’s call. Krishna says her phone is not reachable. Shamshera says Yashoda’s phone battery must have drained and she must not yet met Ashok yet. Krishna asks Amma and Babuji to return home with Astha and Nupur, Yashoda may directly come there with Ashok tomorrow morning. Astha and Nupur also insist and walk away with Babuji. Krishna breaks down recalling Yashoda’s words and thinks how can Ashok be so ruthless, how can he take disksha and decide never to return to his wife, children, and parents; he feels really bad for Yashoda. Amma walks to her and comforts him. He cries hugging her tightly and says her son is very bad.
Kamini and Bansal get tensed thinking their secret will be exposed if Ashok returns home. Arvind asks them to have some patience. Babuji with children and Amma returns home. Kamini asks if Ashok is coming tomorrow. Babuji says he will come for sure with Yashoda. They all 3 panic more. Amma recalls Krishna’s words and feels sad. Ashok gets a nightmare of Yashoda confronting him and doesn’t get sleep.
Precap: Yashoda orders Yashoda to go home. Yashoda pushes him away. Mahua gets angry seeing that and threatens to kill Astha.