Junooniyatt 2nd October 2023 Written Update
Junooniyatt 2nd October 2023 Written Episode
Scene 1
Dolly hugs Seerat and cries. Seerat says I am there don’t worry. Dolly says Jahan is gonna ruin his life over Ilahi. Seerat says don’t worry I will get him out of that trap. I will be responsible for it. Dolly hugs and thanks her. Jordan gives her a thumbs up.
Ilahi comes to her room. Red spices spray on her from the fan. Ilahi screams in pain. Jordan comes there. he hugs Ilahi. Jahan comes there. Jordan says are you okay? Jordan says Tina let’s take her to the hospital. He wonders how that happened. Jahan hits him and says I know you did all this to torture Ilahi. You can’t harm her. Jordan says she’s my wife. Jahan says she’s gonna divorce you. They both fight. Ilahi stops them. Ilahi says Jahan please stop interfering in my life. Jahan says he’s torturing you and you’re letting him. She says he saved me, he didn’t do anything. Jahan says you’re trying to save him. I know he’s blackmailing you. I won’t let you harm him. Jordan says will you take my wife away from me? Jahan says Ilahi will decide that. Ilahi recalls her promise. Ilahi stands with Jordan. Jahan gets teary. Jordan holds Ilahi’s hand and takes her upstairs.
Jahan comes to his room in anger and throws things. Seerat comes there. she says are you okay? Jahan says I am fine. Seerat says let me help you. Jahan cries. Seerat consoles him. She says when people get deciet twice, it’s your fault. This is the second time she’s breaking your heart. jahan says she’s being forced into it. Seerat says it’s not like that. Jahan says you don’t even know her. I know her and I trust my love.
Scene 2
Jordan says to Mahip you think I am an idiot? I know you did all this. Jordan says don’t forget I am standing between you and Ilahi. I won’t let you harm her. I don’t know if she’d accept me or not but as long as she’s here, no one can harm her. Keep that in mind. Ilahi hears it. Jordan says you told me to learn to live for love, I am doing that. He leaves. Mahip stops Ilahi and says you turned my son against me. See what I do now. Mahip goes to JOrdan and says did Ilahi say I did all this? Ilahi says I didn’t say anything. Mahip says just shut up. He’s talking to me like this because of you. I want to kick you out. Jordan says you better accept your mistake or.. Mahip says or what? He says or I will leave this house right now. Ilahi asks him to calm down. Mahip says go then and live like her tail. Jordan says stop this drama. Mahip screams and says yeah you’re clean as if. Everyone comes. Bebe asks what happened? jordan says why don’t you ask your DIL? Dolly says how are you talking to your mom. Dolly says let him. She claps and says very good. Today he’s blaming and threatening his mom. Jordna says stop it. Dolly asks wht happened? Ilahi says nothing. Dolly says you’re responsible for all this. Jordan says don’t say anything to Ilahi. It’s between and Ilahi. Mom has a problem because I am no more her toy. What has she done to you mom? Mahip says you know what she’s done. Jordan says I don’t want to be fake Sultan. I have faith in my talent. I will be a star based on my talent. Stop dragging Ilahi in all this. It’s not her fault. Mahip says I know you and drama very well and I know why are you pretending to be this good husband. You can never be Jahan. You will remain Jordan. Ilahi asks Jordan to calm down and go from there. Bebe asks Mahip to calm down. Mahip says before you accuse or threaten me again think where would you go? Who’d feed you? and you Ilahi, because of you my son has gone distant from me. I will never forgive you.
Scene 3
Ilahi coughs in the room. Jordan says we can’t stay on this room like this. Ilaahi starts cleaning. Jordan says what are you doing? Ilahi coughs. Jordan comes with a mop and says I will clean as well. She says you? He says yes I can. He says I know you’re feeling weird that I am helping someone. But I want to. ilahi says you must be feeling weird that you are thinking about someone else. Jordan says lesson 2, in love think about others. Let’s start. They start cleaning. jordan says finnally. You must be tired. Ilahi says I will sleep in the bathroom. Jordan says why? She says I am staying with you in one room, that’s enough. I only have bad memories with this room. Jordan says I am sorry for that and I understand. But we’re husband and wife so we can sleep on the same bed. Ilahi says you can never come close to me. Never, I have no forgotten your abuse. As per your condiiton I will just do all the duties of a wife. Jordan says Ilahi how will you sleep in bathroom? The tap is leaking. I can go to guestroom. She says no I don’t want another drama. Please go and sleep. Ilahi sits there.
The tap keeps leaking. Ilahi’s mattress gets wet. Ilahi stands up. She sits in a corner. Ilahi says God you saved Jahan, please give me strength that I am able to distant myself from Jahan. Jordan says mom thinks I will never be as good as Jahan. I will give Ilahi so much love she will forget about Jahan. Ilahi falls asleep in the washroom.
Epsiode ends
Precap-Jahan asks Ilahi what was such a big issue that you had to take this step? Is he blackmailing you? He says he wanted a chance to prove that he can change. Jahan says if he changes, would you be able to live this fake marriage all your life?