Paramavatar Shri Krishna 23rd July 2019 Written Update
Paramavatar Shri Krishna 23rd July 2019 Written Episode
The episode starts with asoor kansa & raja bali asking the beautiful woman who are you? She is singing song to attract the asoors by showing her dance & explaining herself in her words of song.
The asoors are attracted & praise her beauty. She is asking asoor kansa too how he feels about her so asoor kansa & raja bali tells her you are beautiful. The woman is asking why you were fighting so they reply for pure water so they & kansa tell the woman to decide who will take this pure water first as we will keep fighting & no solution will arise. She replies before deciding first to tell her the story about this water how you got. After listening to the story She advises them that it means this should be divided between gods & asoors. Kansa tells woman
that it is not possible to give to gods. But the woman replies that it should only happen if it is divided between gods & asoors as you have given me the right to decide & also gods too having equal rights on this pure water so how I decide should be accepted by all & takes their promise. Asoor kansa & raja bali accept her decision to get divided by her choice.
All gods & asoors are arrived to accept decision of woman. Raja bali tells her to start division so she starts giving with first to god but kansa stops her & to give one by one i.e. once god & once asoors. So she replies that you are right but as this is being squeezed from gods by your asoors so it is their first right to be given to all then to asoors as this is your punishment. Asoors kansa says this not justified but woman tells him this is how my justice is & also you have given me those rights to decide so you can’t disobey your promise. Raja bali also tells asoor kansa that she is right as promise breaking is against our ethics too. Finally they accept her decision & proceeds to distribute pure water between gods.
While distributing pure water to gods one of asoor thinks he won’t get water to become eternal so plays trick & sits on gods side in disguise. All gods realize the asoor & complain to woman that he is not god & Immediately the woman is angry & comes in the original form of prabhu Vishnu & cuts his neck & kills that asoor by his chakra who made himself god to take pure water by trick. Asoor kansa is angry by this & tries to fight with Vishnu prabhu but prabhu lights big heat & vanishes with pure water pot. Asoors kansa says this is trick played by Vishnu prabhu & accuses him.
Kansa is accusing kanha of playing tricks & he explains that this is called as plan to destroy to kill evils like you. Kansa says nobody can kill me. Kanha tells kansa I will kill you in this birth too.
Asoor kansa is following with his asoors towards Vishnu prabhu. They are all angry to kill Vishnu prabhu.
Vishnu prabhu is meditating & asoors are throwing their lighted weapons on him. Kansa asoor says that i am here to kill you so wake up. Vishnu prabhu tells asoor kansa now I will kill you. They start their fight by sending their weapons towards each other. All asoors are killed but kansa is still fighting with Vishnu prabhu & as asoor kansa throws his weapon then Vishnu has stopped his weapon by his chakra. Prabhu Vishnu comes to brahmadev to take help to kill asoor kansa. Brahmadev tells Vishnu that he has boon by me so he can’t be killed through my solution so you have to find a different way of solution to kill him. Prabhu Vishnu understands brahmadev & leaves for the way he feels to kill asoor kansa.
Vishnu prabhu is near sea & prays to sea god to come for his help. Sea god immerges & asks Vishnu what you wish to get help from me so Vishnu tells him there is one asoor kansa who can’t be killed so need your help to please provide your water force to me to end him & sea god accepts Vishnu prabhu’s wish.
Asoors kansa is searching Vishnu but Narayan immerges & talks with him & tells him he is near sea water. Asoor kansa goes thinking that now Vishnu I will kill you over there only.
Precap: Kanha tells kansa that in this war either you or me will be alive.